Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer Days

It's been quite an interesting kick off to summer.. and though life seems calm, I'm prepared for the insane busy-ness we will be receiving. Music Jobs, Family Trips (more like stay-cations), beach nights, s'mores, bomb-fires, snuggling, temple nights, Zoee dates, family, etc. 

Summer is my favorite time to reconnect with life and family, and just "hakuna-matata!" 

Well going with the Lion King theme, my little one, like Simba in the movie is more curious then curious George! She is moving into things more quickly, her personality is fiesty, maturing and sweet, she's like chipotle, sweet and spicy :) lol.. Funny analogies I know, but I can help it. She is starting to potty train and more so herself, and it's been quite easy on me. So I'm grateful for that. She has taught me so much more and our relationship as mother and daughter has grown tremendously and she has established more the mere fact that I'm "mommy" and that we belong together. It's a comfort to feel that bond and to have it strengthened. I may be a terrible mother for admitting that, but it's true! #confessionsofamoderndaymommy 

I know that a lot of things have distracted me from really seeing my potential, really progressing in my life, and a lot of that has to do with my depression, but all in all, my husband has been my biggest support. I'm grateful for him bringing light to my life, and showing me love in my most difficult forms. He's so patient, and I hope to achieve that level of patience in my life, someday. I'm so grateful that I married him, and this year for our 3rd anniversary, I hope to show him fully how much I love him, I'm grateful for #thedatingdivas and #pinterest for helping me with ideas :) thank you in advance :) 

This summer my goal is to loose 30lbs and just start breathing! Breathing in life, and exhaling death. Dead emotions, dead thoughts, dead feelings, dead energy. Start breathing in each moment as if it were my last, breath in fresh air, to rejuvenate and refresh my body, to heal, to strengthen, to enlighten. 

So my next posts for the next couple of months will be my progress on these things :) 

This WILL be the FIRST summer I actually ENJOY! :) Happy Summer Friends and Family! Love you All! 

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