Monday, December 19, 2011

Cooking: 101

Ok, for all of you who know me pretty well, know that my cooking skills have or will develop, i'm sure, in my later years - however as for right now, I have been experimenting here and there. Needless to say, I haven't been experimenting quite as often as my husband would like, but I am trying to still balance my life between working full time, being a mommy (a good one at best) and tyring to juggle all the in-betweens. So here I go.

For starters, if any of you who know my mother, well, you know that she is a SUPER-DUPER AMAZING COOK! and not just cook, I think of her as Chef. My mother has always made so much out of nothing, when I look in the fridge and see nothing she sees a whole gourmet meal! How does she do that? How I wonder, and how excited I will be if ever I inherit that from her. I just need to practice and be more aware of the types of things I buy and put in my fridge so that with 1 staple ingredient, I will be able to make many dishes from it.

Well, here's a little background. At work, our department has a breakfast meeting every friday. Everyone has  designated friday and then rotates over and over again. This friday, TODAY, was MY Breakfast Friday. I debated on what to make and how to make it, and so I started to think. Well there are some dishes that I make that require not a whole lot of effort, but they're all and mostly dinner foods. Well, a while ago, my mom made this Chili Relleno Casserole. It was oh soooo del-i-si-oso!! the Casserole was perfection in a dish! cause when I tasted it, I not only liked it, I loved it. I did however think, man this would really taste good like a quiche with a crust on the bottom :) DING-DING-DING! iDeas! YAY!

So... I went to my favorite store in the whole entire world! COSTCO! and got all the ingredients I needed to make this oh so special Quiche. I was going to start it that night but got too busy with Zoee, and taking care of things and getting our house ready for our move-out inspection. So, I got up at 3:45am! on that lovely Friday morning and started making the quiche.

Here it is!

I say I did pretty good. I brought it into work this morning and the smell of the cheese and Chiles filled our room with this oh so delicious aroma, I was almost getting impatient. I then gathered all the things I brought for this amazing breakfast and had a humble spread for everyone to enjoy. No one spoke for the first 30 minutes of my breakfast, so I assume that it was really really good :) Not to brag, and I mean really, it was really really good :)

For anyone curious as to what the recipe for this wonder is, Here you go! :)

Chile Relleno:

1/3 cup of Flour
1 cup of Heavy Cream
2 Eggs
1 lb Jack Cheese
1 lb Cheddar Cheese
2 (7 oz. can) Whole or diced Green Chilies

beat together:

milk, eggs and flour until smooth


grated chesses

Place pie dough in pan. Place Chiles sparatically in the bottom of the pan until most of all the bottom of pan is covered. Add half of wet mix, then put more chiles, add rest of wet mix, then sprinkle with more shredded cheese. then place some more chiles on top. Back for 1 hour or until crust is golden brown and middle is firm. Cool for 5-8 minutes and then cut, serve and enjoy! :) MMM..MMM..MMM.. GoOd...

Friday, December 9, 2011

Idea's on giving that special someone, something EXTRA special??

OK! So, Last year was me and my gorgeous husband's FIRST CHRISTMAS. We spent it like any newly wed couple living close to family, with our family. That was not a bad thing at all, however we were so engulfed, well I was in all the holiday tradition, and family cheer/spirit that I TOTALLY lost sight of spending that intimate first Christmas time with my husband :( I know, bad on me... so THIS year, I plan on truly redeeming myself. I was looking through my cousin's blog list and saw this blog, that was linked to another blog, that was then linked to this website:

If any of you have not yet seen it, I'm telling you! the CUTEST ideas ever. I have always wanted to be crafty and make home made goodies that fill the home and just make your house a home, however, the "no time" and "no money"  always got/gets the best of me. I know that is no excuse, however I plan and hope that, that excuse will not be made any more. After going to this website, I was inspired with the perfect idea for that oh so extra special gift for my hubby, I can't yet share what that is, (because he just might read my blog trying to figure out what it is - can't have that happening and spoil the surprise, silly) but, I will post hints and pictures of what I plan to do. I'm SOOOOO excited about it.

*Please note that I have a very spiritual sense of Christmas, and that will be noted and written in the upcoming of next week or so.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The joy's of TO DO's

I noticed that the joys of "to do's" are quite exciting! First, once you've written it down, or have mentally made a note about what you need to do the joys in crossing that off is so exciting, and so much more fulfilling. I feel sad for the woman I am currently working with now, Renee becuase today, I kept talking about all the things that have been on my mind, not to mention, if I get going like that, it's moreso me thinking out loud, just saying. I'm grateful that my co-worker does not think me crazy, or does she? doesn't matter, either way, it was nice to have a successful day in thinking about the things we both needed to do and get done.

One on the To Do list:

My husband, Havea is going to school next semester (Winter/Spring Semester), and so I have been thinking about what other forms he needs to turn in. So I, yes I, logged onto his school page and there it was, ta-da! a TO DO LIST! Amazing! isn't it? There neatly bulletted was a list of the things that he needed to accomplish before he could start enrolling in classes. So I printed the forms, and have them ready for him to sign and then turn in. Simple, and simply accomplished, check! I know it may sound weird that I his wife did this for him, but you have to know my husband, he is amazing and wonderful in every way, but sometimes, wives, our husbands just need a little boost. So instead of me nagging him and adding things to his to do list already, I might as well just help him out at least half way, with no "maybe later" and/or no questions asked, and it's DONE! :) Simple! :) Check!

Another one on the TO DO List:
Then, we are moving, yes, we're moving, out of our little apartment. It was nice to be in Oceanside, and we'll dearly miss our Church ward there, but we're excited to be moving on to other things that will help us/ our little growing family in the future. So getting ready for that is total work in itself. The wrapping, the packing, the taping, the closing, the loading, the unloading, the opening, and oh my goodness,the list goes on and on, but it's a TO DO I'm excited to have crossed off come the end of the year. Check! Achievement is my idea of good success.

Then of course, because it is litterally already 8 days into December, we have the baking! Oh and not to mention, Christmas baking! The Sugar Cookies, the Pumpkin Rolls, the Gingerbread, the Shortbread drizzled with melted milk chocolate. The cakes and pudding pies, and of course that list is endless, but endlessly good. My goal is to have all of my baking done by the 19th of this month, so I hope and pray that I will be able to have it done in time. Can't help it, for me there's just no Christmas without the baked goodies that make the tummy's happy, and the smiles bigger. There's nothing like it. Yay for Christmas baking.

"To DO's"  can be stressful, and sometimes irritating when things don't go according to planned, but the joy of it all is that when it DOES get done, there is a sense of accomplishment, a sense of fulfillment, and that is the satisfaction gauranteed, for me anyway.

Enjoy your day!

*the pictures were used are courtesy of google search to enhance my blog, I in now way own the rights to these pictures nor can I take credit for the incredibly amazing art.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

My hands are full: an introduction on my life

It being the 1st day of December, I couldn’t think of anything to write until I looked down at my keyboard, and saw my hands. Instantly the saying “My hands are full” came to mind and I couldn’t help but think and contemplate about that saying and the meaning behind it. Through-out my lifetime, I have heard that saying over and over again with the connotation: I’m too busy, I can’t help you right now, another time, maybe later, I can’t do it right now.  All these sayings flooded my mind, and I couldn’t help but literally think, “Why in the heck did this come to my mind?” I then started to stare down at my hands and think of the many places they have been, what they have done, and so forth.

As I looked down at my hands, I remembered that from my childhood, these hands loved, and I mean loved to play with Barbie and Baby dolls. So yes, the secret is out, I was/am a girly-girl and loved the idea of being a mommy (playing with the baby dolls) or setting up my own house with miniature furniture and backdrops (playing with the Barbie dolls). The idea of being motherly was so appealing to me that little did I know, the hard work those hands would actually be doing, had I really been a mother and wife.

Looking back on that memory, I can see now what my hands have handled, not very much – compared to my mother and grandmothers – but surely a glimpse of what there is to come with my little one now and continually growing family. I sure do appreciate the wonderful example of my mother for her hard work and constant love she has shown and continues to show through her hands. She is the perfect example of service, and my only example of what a mother should be, and how a mother should love, how when a wife is in need, she turns to her Heavenly Father from above. The hands of my mother are, scarred, cracked, rough and wrinkly, but they are filled with detail of her life, her hard work, her service, her love. My hands are full: of appreciation for my mother and for the beauty she has helped me to see.

Not to mention, as I got older, playing the piano had become more than just a hobby, it became so much a part of me, that music/playing the piano and I were one in the same. I realized that practicing became want and I couldn’t help but crave to hear the things I was playing, creating and then later composing. My hands took a toll from the hours of playing I would do, the many songs I would memorize, just so I could get every note perfect, yet make it in my own style. My hands started to learn the keys, chords, chord progressions, etc. Later, my hands started to feel the pains of arthritis because of the positions my hands would be in while playing. I later learned that arthritis or not, sometimes it being painful or not, I was going to play and share the gift and talent Heavenly Father gave me, because I never realized how influential I had/have been on others through my music. While taking a song writing class at the Junior College here in Southern California, I wrote a love song the expressed some of the deepest feelings I would’ve loved to have felt, had I been in a relationship. I reached the climax of my song and with a loud applause from my audience; I had never experienced applause in the middle of a song. I felt the the audience really felt what I was singing and playing, they understood the lyrics, and I felt that even though I had not experienced love in this chapter of my life, that the feelings I described had hit dead on true love, even without saying or mentioning the word love. From this I learned that My hands are full: of creativity to share with the ones I love and the world itself.

I know that during my single adult years, my hands have been many places, from performing, to serving, to leading music, driving friends, etc. They have been the only thing constant that allows me to give. They are what had started my life on the pathway to my true love. One night, I felt so sad and so out of the loop with everything, I felt alone. In every relationship I had been in, I was left bitterly scared with grief, filled with insecurity, disappointment and regret. My heart had been through enough, and I was tired of the choices I had made that made me feel the way I felt, and where it had led me. I simply took my hands, logged onto a social networking website and simply clicked on the boxes and typed the words that would describe my perfect man. I didn’t think it would work, but later on I tell close friends and family that I feel that Heavenly Father felt that much sad for me that night, that he didn’t want to see me in any more pain (relationship wise) so, he let only 3 profiles be displayed, 2 were obvious liars, and that was the test to see if I could weed those out – I passed by the way – and so I was left with one. I opened up the page and there he was; a handsome young man who at that very moment, touched my heart. We have now known each other for 1 year, 9 months and 3 days. We were official for 2 months and 16 days, engaged for 22 days, married for 1 year and 5 months today; but we have loved each other so much longer.  As newly-weds and any newly married couple, we have gone and continue to go through our ups and downs as individuals and a married couple, adjustments with both sides of the families, and adjustments with each other, but I have never doubted that I KNOW he is my eternal love and companion, I just always fear that he may think otherwise – don’t worry, he constantly reminds me that he doesn’t think otherwise and that he loves me more than anything. Throughout the short time we have been married, I have seen my hands grow to fit his. I’ve noticed that when we hold hands, they’re snuggled together just a little tighter, they’re held just a little longer, and they serve a whole lot more. In the relationship with my husband, I have noticed that My hands are full: of love for my spouse and gratitude that for the first time, I have experienced true love from the one I love the most.

Motherhood: now entering this world of motherhood and becoming a new mother, I am awed at the simple beauties of every day. I seem to silently watch more than actively perform, I seem to be more tired than usual, but that it because every moment with my family is precious. My hands are in diapers, wipes, fitting head bands, changing clothes, wrapping and swaddling, holding, feeding, snuggling, and so much more, but I would never trade the joy that comes from what my hands do to be with my daughter. My hands are full: of joy for the opportunity to serve someone who loves and depends on me, and always will.

My hands are full: of stories, experiences, sadness, joy, laughter, love and so much more. Life will always be life, but it will be that much more great if we realize that our hands will be filled with such good things along the way.