Sunday, February 26, 2012

Valentines Day!

I couldn't believe how many posts on Facebook I saw that had most of all of my friends with bitter thoughts about Valentines Day. Needless to say, I took a step back and really, really humbled myself, because a single person I was, not so long ago, and the feelings of this holiday made me very, very jealous. I have realized and later leanred that Valentines Day is not only about lovers and mates, it is so much more, it's the day we celebrate LOVE.

Do you remember running down to Target or the grocery store right near the end of January beginning February and asking your mom or dad if you could by the card set of 30 with some lolipops to give to friends and famliy for Valentines Day? Remember these?

Well, I do, and did! I was so excited to stick the lolipops through the cards and hand them to friends around the neighborhood, or my cousins, and so forth. They were just so much fun! and the looks on everyone's faces, made me feel so loved just to see that they appreciated their card and candy :) Getting them back was even more fun too.

Havea and I celebrated our Valentines Day that Saturday. We went to one our most favorite and very affordable Mexican Restaurants and followed by a movie. It was a yes, oh-so-typical date, but it was nice to have time together and reconnect with a lot of things. Sometimes just those few hours can make all the difference for you and your spouse, or even a loved one or friend. Just spending time and being reminded that you can celebrate the people you have in your life and love, is something that I treasure and LOVE about Valentines Day. It's the day to remember to Love, sad we need such a day to remember, when we should be showing extra special love, EVERYDAY of the year. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Sad, the month of LOVE is almost over, that doesn't mean I can't pretend that next month shouldn't be full of LOVE, right? Well, sorry, it's better late than never, I've been so occupied with a lot of things lately. Anyhow, I'm excited to say that I feel that I have overcome an obstacle to help me be more clear about my life and future. It's the pivotal moment that helps you understand that the small things that you do to make things just that much more perfect, sometimes do and don't matter, I've learned that I've had to pick the "right" small things. I've realized more and more each day how much my daughter brings me joy. How much my husband loves me, and how much more I need to take the special moments to reciprocate that love to them.

I am so into this new book, well, it's not quite new to most of ALL the world, but it's new to me. About a couple years ago, my good friend was taking a class in college learning about the behaviors of men and women, and in her class, this book was recommended and she told me about it. It has always been in the back of my mind, but was brought more to my attention recently. The book is entitled, "The 5 Love Languages"  by Gary Chapman. As I read this book, I feel more and more why some of the things that I do, showing my love are not in turn taken as a token of my love for those whom I show love to... but I've noticed that my husband and daughter are so patient with me and let me show them love in the way I show/receive love. More so, I know that if I learn how they indeed receive love, our relationships will be that much stronger. I'm so excited to get into this book more and more and look forward to the things that I will find. This book and has got my prescription on a wonderful marriage, a wonderful loving relationship with my husband, children and those all around me.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


I absolutely love my little girl, and how grateful and blessed I am to have a little lady that brings me so much joy, so much comfort and is the constant reminder of Heavenly Father's love for me. I'm so grateful for a healthy baby girl and for her spirit that not only touches my heart, but the hearts of all those who come in contact with her! She is my pride, my light, my joy and love! :) 

Always Smiling :)

Being SHY

Hands in the mouth... always

Pulling on her bow

Not Giving Up.......

This year has brought many things, one of which is, a very humbling experience. The saying goes true: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you' [accepting that they may not always do unto you what you would want them to do]" I really hope that made sense, the last part of that [quote] was my own, but I have and am continuing to be humbled as to why people are the way they are and accepting that I cannot change the people around me, I can only change myself.

I know that I am not the only one going through obstacles, who has problems, who is going through a little more over their head, however, I at this very moment, why do I feel so alone? My wonderful counselor and the one and only other person I trust (besides my Hubby) is my Mother. She is been the only one who has helped me to see the end of the race, to see the beginning of the journey and to help me through the obstacles as they come. Venting and talking with her has helped me not only get a lot of things on my mind out, however helped me realize that my biggest problem is being impatient. So, coming to that realization, I have told myself that I am NOT GIVING UP!

I will report more as time passes, but this is just a blah day in which I needed to get my thoughts and feelings out.