Saturday, February 25, 2012


Sad, the month of LOVE is almost over, that doesn't mean I can't pretend that next month shouldn't be full of LOVE, right? Well, sorry, it's better late than never, I've been so occupied with a lot of things lately. Anyhow, I'm excited to say that I feel that I have overcome an obstacle to help me be more clear about my life and future. It's the pivotal moment that helps you understand that the small things that you do to make things just that much more perfect, sometimes do and don't matter, I've learned that I've had to pick the "right" small things. I've realized more and more each day how much my daughter brings me joy. How much my husband loves me, and how much more I need to take the special moments to reciprocate that love to them.

I am so into this new book, well, it's not quite new to most of ALL the world, but it's new to me. About a couple years ago, my good friend was taking a class in college learning about the behaviors of men and women, and in her class, this book was recommended and she told me about it. It has always been in the back of my mind, but was brought more to my attention recently. The book is entitled, "The 5 Love Languages"  by Gary Chapman. As I read this book, I feel more and more why some of the things that I do, showing my love are not in turn taken as a token of my love for those whom I show love to... but I've noticed that my husband and daughter are so patient with me and let me show them love in the way I show/receive love. More so, I know that if I learn how they indeed receive love, our relationships will be that much stronger. I'm so excited to get into this book more and more and look forward to the things that I will find. This book and has got my prescription on a wonderful marriage, a wonderful loving relationship with my husband, children and those all around me.

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