Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Beautiful Spirits...

with baby #2 :)

Honestly, it almost feels like it was just yesterday that I gave birth to Zoee (our eldest daughter) and held her in my arms. So small and so beautiful she was, and how much more beautiful she is now and becoming :)

Zoee on the day she was born, monday, August 8, 2011

Zoee, 7 months, March 31, 2011

I can't beleive how fast time is going and just how fast my litle baby girl is actually becoming a LITTLE GIRL. Zoee has brought so much love and joy to our lives, and we're so grateful that she is the first child and that she is the very one who will be the example for her younger siblings.

After having Zoee, and now being pregnant again with our second baby, I have realized just how much Heavnely Father loves me, and just how aware He is of the things that we need in our lives. I cannot even count on a million hands how much love Zoee brings to Havea and I. We are sooooooo blessed and privilidged to be responsible for such a beautiful spirit.

With the adventure of being pregnant again this time around, I have definitely seen things different and opposite from my pregnancy with Zoee. It's funny to say, but I have a feeling this baby may be a boy. I may be wrong, I may be right, but whomever the Lord feels He would like to come down at the time, with open arms Havea and I will be grateful and soooo excited :)

Starting a family is a lot of work, and I know the load will continue to get bigger, but I am so grateful for the gospel and for the guidelines it gives us to rear our children in a way that is pleasing to our Father in Heaven, and the guidelines that will not only help them but help me as a mother. I see me bring pregnant again is a whole new experience a whole new adventure, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be a mother again.

I love my family so very much and pray that I will be the mother I know Heavenly Father knows I can be, and the mother I want to be to my children.

So grateful for this opportunity to have more learning and growing experiences :)

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