Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Time :)

Easter is TOMORROW! I can't believe how much time has passed, and how much has happened. Tomorrow will mark the day, but not the date, if that makes sense, of my Hubby Havea receiving his patriarchal blessing from Patriarch Johnson. How special it is to receive our Patriarchal Blessings from worthy men so in-tune with the spirit of our Father in Heaven. I can't even begin to imagine how great that must feel. I had the honor being there when my husband received his blessing for the first time, and was privileged to share with him the beautiful things that were said during his blessing. I am so grateful for the gospel, and I am very grateful for the blessings in which we receive daily. 

Today is the last day that Zo-zo will be 7 months. She is truly growing sooo fast, and I can't even begin to say how much more smarter and how much more beautiful she becomes. I am excited to dress her up and to see her around her little cousins for the first time (Thompsons, Holdcrafts and Morenos) and see all the kids as they eat, play, hunt for eggs, etc. It truly will be such a sight and so fun to see her react.

I truly can't hold back the feelings and express that this last year, marking the date of Easter, has helped me reflect on the beauties of the atonement, and the love my Savior has for me. I am so grateful for the chance to change, and the reminder we have that change is needed and is possible :) 

Life is truly teaching me the greatest lessons any woman could experience. I just feel so blessed and so privileged to be learning them at this time.

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