Sunday, April 1, 2012

Don't Judge Me.......

The word's of President Uchtdorf's message left a great impact on my heart as he explained the message of a bumper sticker that read:

"Don't judge me...
...because I sin differently than you"

I couldn't help but remember these words for they engraved themselves on my heart that I could not believe that the answer to many prayers were apparent within these words.

For many years, I have struggled with so many people, and have struggled because I let the things they say, the things they do, GET to me. I have in desperate times, often cried and asked the Lord, "why me?" or simply "why them?" I am somewhat uncomfortable admitting my weaknesses, but I feel that only admitting them will help me overcome them. I have been jealous, mean, rude, a smart-allec, unkind, judgmental, wanting pity, selfish, and negative. Having these things in my life and realizing that I have had these feelings or have done these actions made me think, "can having these things in my life make me happy?" the answer is simply "NO"

President Uchtdorf mentioned other things as well and said "if we have any of these feelings or participate in any of these things..." he urged us to


To stop these things from letting them get the best of us, the best of our kindness, the best of our good judgment, the best of what we know we can be, and the best of who we KNOW we are. We are children of our Heavenly Father who indeed has a mission and a will for us, to accomplish His work and be partakers of the blessings that come from choosing the right. A Father in Heaven who cares, knows and loves us deeply and hurts when we hurt, and comforts when we need comfort. In order to feel of His comfort and peace, I have had to let Heavenly Father help me get over the things I have been feelings and recognize the real reason for my anger and realize the anger was simply being hurt. I hope and pray with all of my heart that I will be a strong example of forgiveness to my children and generations to come that they may know that the Lord can heal, can strengthen and make new any person willing to subject to the will of the Lord. 

I am grateful for this conference and for the beautiful words in which I have heard to help me make anew the things that I need to, to have a better understanding of the Lord's will for me, and to go forth and live up to the values that I have been taught and given. 

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