Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012! Bitter-Sweets...

Oh my goodness, not even on the first day of this splendid year, was I able to post! Time seems to be slipping away, faster and faster. Oh Well! :) Let's start the year with my bitter-sweet moments... I know right? 

Let's see, already so many things have happened, my sister and parents left for the beautiful island of O'ahu, Hawaii today. My sister will be attending BYU-Hawaii studying Computer Graphics Design. I'm so proud of her and wish her well in all that she does. I will miss her terribly! I will miss the very person who was my mediator with every thing. Ok, my husband is my best friend, but my SISTER, well a sister is already a BEST FRIEND without being called a BEST FRIEND, if you know what I mean. I will miss every thing her and I would do, Zoee will miss her aunty very much, and I will miss having the only other girl support to help me get through things, I may sound selfish, but I'm selfish in a good way. I love my Sister so much and am happy for her starting and progressing throughout her life and I'm excited to see the adventures she will have when attending school.  Although this is a bitter-sweet moment, I'm grateful for the experiences she will have being there and learning/studying what she is so passionate about. You will always be in my heart, on my mind, and in prayers sis! Thank goodness for blogging and Facebook, and of course !chat and phones are and will we better communicate EVERY DAY!!! :) 

On another side note, my daughter, our beautiful princess Zoee, has decided that although she's at the tip-end of her 4 month mark and will be 5 months in 4 more days, she has decided that her size will continue to flourish by not fitting in 6-9 month clothes, but will fit in 9-12 month clothes. My princess, she is truly growing and slowly but surely will soon be crawling. How excited and yet not, (bitter-sweet moment) I am for her to start crawling because it will mean that she is starting yet a progression in her development and that's exciting, I'm not however excited for me chasing her everywhere because she has crawled and gotten into something, soooooo... I guess it's safe to say that we will start 'baby-proofing' now. She is getting more confident with her smiles, her personality, and just her all around goodness that she gives each day. Her first word is "dada" and how proud my husband is to know that she (Zoee) is indeed a 
"Daddy's Girl"

I believe that this year will be a great year! I'm truly excited for 2012 and I'm excited for the experiences ahead, for the things that will shape me to be a better person, wife, mother and daughter of God. I feel so blessed to have the gospel in my life and to yet start another year new. I know that the bitter-sweet moments of life are lessons learned and to be learned. I would rather have everything bitter-sweet, so that I would know, with everything in life that somewhat bitters us about situations there is always something sweet from it too. How grateful I am to know that life is all about bitter-sweet moments, but they become sweeter as we look to our Heavenly Father and find the gift that is hidden in both parts. 
2012! This is yet another year, another year of growth, learning and excitement! 
Here we come! 


  1. Jane, Zoee is adorable and so beautiful!! You and Havea make beautiful babies:-) And I totally know what you mean, I miss my sisters terribly, but I am glad that they are doing what they need to do for themselves and their familieis. I am so excited for Rachel and I know she will be great in her major and it'll be so nice for her to be close to Aunty Jo, my parents and Nea too!

  2. Awe, thank you Cuz. I am so happy for Rachie to be there in Hawaii and to experience for even me, the beautiful part of Hawaii and where our dad comes from. They said they met up with your mom them last night and got their fix at Zippy's :) they're heading to La'ie later today, so I know it will be fun for them. I love you cuz, and wish you well. I enjoy all your writings, and am waiting impatiently for your next post! :) I hope to come to bring Havea up to Utah for Conference in April, and so we will have to get together then :) I love you! :)
