Thursday, January 19, 2012

Back To Work...

Here it is, Thursday, and I'm back to work, yes back to work. I saved 2 weeks of maternity leave to take at the beginning of January, and now today is my first day back. I was welcomed by three sweet co-workers who remembered my birthday and had my favorite, an apple pie ready and waiting! :) It was so sweet, thank you Renee, Cruz and Alicia. It was a nice day to come back to work, moreso because it is a Thursday, and tomorrow is FRIDAY! YAY!! :)

It was hard to leave Zoee this morning because I have been with her non-stop these last two weeks and have watched her develop so much during this time. She has gotten on all fours, she's scooting backwards, and she's rolling around from tummy-to-back and vise versa everywhere. I know that she will be crawling within the next month or so, and there's a big chance I may miss seeing her take her first crawl and even step for the first time, but I am so grateful that she is in good hands with my mother and I know that she is getting all the care and love she needs and more. How grateful I am to have my mother and how reassuring it is to be here at work and know that I do not have to worry or do not have to think of my daughter being harmed in any way, is truly a blessing.

I am grateful to have a job during these tough times in our economy and help contribute to providing for our famliy, I hope to soon save enough so that I may not have to work, and consider other optoins that will allow me to stay home with my baby. So I'm considering taking some classes to get credentials and licensed in Realesate. I would like to be an apraiser and freelance within the Realestate Industry. I am also taking a serious interest and am both feet in to building my career with THRIVE by Shelf Reliance. I hope that this new year will help bring the positives and less of the negatives on what I try to actively do to help contribute in providing for my famliy and our future. I'm grateful for a hardworking husband who works fulltime and will be attending school this Spring. I know that it will all pay off in the longrun, how grateful for that latter-day when I will reap the blessings of the sacrifices and changes that we are making to achieve success and be better.

I love my life, and I'm grateful for the many things that first day of being back at work has helped me contemplate. Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Do it cousin! Real Estate appraising is such a good job, and one you will always have! Plus too, you can make your own hours and still bank. It's something I've definitely been interested in:-)
