Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Heard this by the piano guys on YOUTUBE! Amazing! I just love the sounds of the piano! I haven't even heard the original yet. But because this is so calming and soothing, maybe I don't want to! Thought I'd share! :) 

Monday, February 18, 2013


Being understanding and showing empathy is a gift. A gift that I have need to learn, obtain and maintain. It's easy to judge those around you when you don't fully understand what the other person has been through, experienced, or is continuing to work through at the time. It's easy to loose sight of Heavenly Father's view of them, and easy to judge. I do not think it is at all wrong to judge others, but "judging wrongly" is a whole lot different. I can honestly say that I have been/am guilty of judging wrongly, and can see that my action(s) in doing so have cost me great things. I know that I have been guilty of losing sight of the bigger picture, and although believing that I am standing up for what is right, I only stand foolish with the ammo I hold, aimed at myself.

Trying to be more understanding and empathetic, I have taken to heart these beautiful Mormon Messages on YouTube! For those of my readers, friends who are not LDS, they are WONDERFUL little reminders of life's greatest lessons. One in particular stood out to me while writing this post, and the link is included below.

After watching this clip and seeing the wisdom of the older boy, I was given the opportunity to "know better" to share in his wisdom and spread silver dollars in the hearts of those around me, who are indeed God's children also. I have been shown empathy, and have been given countless silver dollars by my Savior, through the atonement and the power of repentance and forgiveness. It is my responsibility, and even in my heart to truly forgive.

I started to recall words spoken in my patriarchal blessing (for those of you who do not know what this is, please refer to Patriarchal Blessings at www.lds.org or www.mormon.org; more information and explanation can be given there). In my blessing, I am privileged to have said to me in the very beginning that my gift in this life, is love. I have the ability to love all those around me, my brothers, my sisters, my parents, my family, friends, and yet all those whom are my brothers and sisters in this world. Reading the words "...yours is a gift of love..." touched my heart, and made me think that as right or wrong as I can be when upset, or trying to stand for something, if I do not show love then, I am not standing up for myself, I am not letting love flow, nor be shown, given or felt. I need to work harder, and have taken it upon myself to know that although I know I am human, although I know I will have days of failure, I am committed to my Savior, to my Father in Heaven and His divine plan for me.

Being married to the love of my life has truly brought my life joy. Although I can say that marriage is not easy, and it certainly is an up and down roller-coaster ride, I am glad to know that no matter what, I KNOW that my husband is the man I am supposed to be with, in this life and all through eternity. I am so grateful for his love, for his understanding of me, and although he'd like to cuddle me to no end at night, I'm grateful for his understanding in letting me blog my feelings, journal them here, and let me get these things in my head, written and recorded. He knows how important it is to me, and I'm grateful for his understanding in letting me do so.

I am so grateful for a beautiful daughter. She has brought more laughs, more hugs, more LOVE into our family. I'm grateful for her understanding of me, and am so sad that she is the first to experience my mistakes that I make as a parent, yet she is the most patient, and keeps me on my toes. I'm so grateful for her.

I have mainly wanted to write this post in regards to a relationship that I have possibly broken/damaged, and with heart-felt prayer, thoughts, and receiving inspiration on what to do, this was my answer. The relationship that I have had with this person has not been an easy one, we have not always seen eye to eye on things, and although we are very much set in our ways, (as women are), I have come up with the conclusion that my building a sincere and heart-felt relationship with this person, is simply important for me, my husband and our posterity, because she will yet be there also. By taking action in showing sincerity and empathy, we show love. I hope that is what she feels, and I hope she knows deeply, that I am trying to be understanding, that I am trying to make amends. I want this relationship to work, and to flourish into a beautiful thing that allows our families to be joined, connected and united. I hope that if reading this she will know of my sincerity, and know that I love her for the woman she is and tries to be.

It is my hope and prayer that I may be more understanding and see those around me as the Savior sees them, to try and actively practice the words in Mosiah, "...to mourn with those that mourn, to stand in need of those who need comfort..." this only is sincerely felt, if we MEAN IT!

I mean my actions, and I mean my words. I pray that as I mature, as I grow, as I experience, that I too will have a greater understanding for life, for my Savior, for my family, for my friends, for myself.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Started this morning off a little bad, but felt it got better as time progressed. Got my hot sexy man off to work, and came back up to see Zoee still asleep. Tempting as it was, yes, I gave in and decided to catch some more rest also. Well I got a little "too" much rest, and woke up to my awesome brother playing with Zoee. Fed her toast and a banana, and he bathed her! How awesome is my brother!? Lucky, I woke up, took over and dressed her. Let her play down stairs and started jus randomly pondering about life. I know I get spacey most times, but today, I just felt the need to uplift my soul and nourish it spiritually. It had been a while since I really listens to some conference talks, and so, I decided to clean my room and do so. I had the October 2012 session playing and found that even more inspiration started to come to me. I felt my thoughts generate towards more beautiful and wholesome things and my mind clear and receptive to great ideas. My mood was enlightened with calmness, and patience with my daughter more abundant. I drastically noticed the difference!

Though my post-partum depression had linked to even deeper depression, I am so grateful that receiving the inspiration from Heavenly Father to listen to these talks, was basically Him telling me, please turn these words on, I need to talk to you. Talk after talk, I could hear the voice of my Savior, my Heavenly Father and the spirit confirm to me, that each day is a gift and living the gospel is what makes this gift so special; it makes us happy.

I know I need to go day by day, and each day gets better as I work towards focusing my mind on more positive things that will help me out of these heavy chains of depression. When I focus on these things and hear the voices of the tabernacle choir sing, or even the tender jokes of a loving and real prophet, it makes my day, and helps me to know how precious my soul is, how deeply loved I am!

The picture of the quote below is something I saw posted on Facebook! Understanding my role as a mother also contributes to my success of seeing light and having less gloomy/gray/dark days!

Thought it was a beautiful reminder!

Friday, February 8, 2013


Moments define a measure of time in which things may or may not happen. Sometimes the unexpected, sometimes expected, whichever it is a moment can depict a change. Big or small, more or less.

18 months ago, I experienced a moment that would change my life in so many ways. It would encourage my adulthood to validate itself in knowing that what was about to happen, what was going to happen, and in present tense, what did happen, opened my view, I could see a more panoramic view of what my life would entail. What things to change, what to bring in, what to get rid of, let go. What things were going to be ok? What things were not? How would I act? How did I even qualify to get this far in my life?

So many questions?

On Monday, August 8th, 2011, 5:23am, my life changed drastically! I don't mean horrifying, I mean the biggest change was about to make history for me. I gave birth to a healthy, beautiful, loving baby girl, whom we call, Zoee. In one moment I was a wife, the next, simply a wife and mother. Mother. I couldn't believe that someone like me now had that title. I have always dreamed of having a big family, a husband who goes to work, while I play house and mind the house chores, take care of the children, I seriously imagined 10 kids! Others may call me crazy, but that's what I wanted. Zoee has brought so much to my life in so many ways, and I know that in other moments she will change me for the better.

It's been a rough 18 months for me, more so overwhelming. Being responsible for a child, your own, is a moment I have to believe that no one is every fully prepared for. We can nurture them, clothe them, soothe them, LOVE them. But how that affects us in the very "moment" is beyond what words can describe. The most overwhelming part of it is, is knowing that I am responsible for this little girl, I'm responsible for eternal progression in this life, I am responsible for making sure she is a kind, loving, decent person. I am responsible for her happiness. So when does that stop? when do we start treating them like adults? when do we simply stop providing for their happiness and guide them to seeking their own? my answer, as mothers, we don't!

Being a mother has helped me see things differently, more than I ever could. Heavenly Father blessed me at this time with such and extraordinary spirit and beauty. He has indeed entrusted me with her spirit, her life, her heart. I am so grateful for the moment that has changed me, and even though I am slowly catching up with fully understanding the meaning behind God's tender mercies, I probably won't ever know the full extent until I have that talk with Him above some day.

Happy 1&1/2 Birthday my Lovely Zoee! YOU are extraordinary. I could not be more proud, more humbled, and more thrilled!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Father Of My Children

Alarm goes off, snooze button pushed. I lie in bed with eyes half opened, wondering what I will make my husband for lunch today. Gratefully, his attitude of gratitude greets me with a "Good Morning Baby" followed by a good morning kiss. The first thing on my mind - like mentioned before - is followed by a verbal question, "Honey, what would you like for lunch today?" He grins and smiles, and says, a couple of PB&J's will do, and maybe a meat sandwich? I smile, and answer, of course. I get out of my warm bed to feel the breeze of coolness resting upon my skin. As the chills creep up my arms, I get the strength to get out of bed and start yet this morning routine. Before I leave our room, I check on Zoee making sure she is warm, only to find as I do every morning, she has kicked all the blankets off of her; she's our hot-blooded little girl. I cover her back up and make my way down the stairs to find the ingredients I need to start making lunches. I pull out my bread, spread on the peanut butter, spread on the jam, gather some meat and bag it, lettuce and bag it, cheese and bag it, and all the sandwiches are prepared. Pack him a crunch snack, his new favorite, wheat thins, the zesty hot salsa flavor, and send him off to work with a prayer and goodbye kiss.

My heart aches most mornings when I, a wife, cannot come up with anything better than a PB&J sandwich for my husband, although other things I suggest to him aren't appetizing to him, and he'd rather take the PB&J, I just feel terrible. Though, day after day, my husband continues to smile, continues to thank me and works hard to provide for our family.

I watched this video, Earthly Father, Heavenly Father. Watching this touched my heart, as I started to contemplate things that my husband thinks about, does, etc. I'm so grateful to him for his hard work, for his love for me, our daughter and our growing family. I have to admit most times, I forget what he goes through, what he thinks about, what he worries about, what he feels, and loose sight of the very man he is. He is truly a wonderful example of Heavenly Father's love, and I feel that every day. Although I know personally that he feel inadequate most times, he is so much stronger and so much like our Father in Heaven then he realizes.

Friday of last week, he decided to take a day off and spend it with us. We were excited to have some time with daddy, and even though when day's off are rare, I always think of things that we can get done, instead of taking moments and creating memories. It is a womanly instinct that I have tried to bridle and tried to set aside when just being together and making memories of fun, love and laughter are  what's most important. So, Friday, we got up early, got ready, and figured we'd grab some loose change or quarters in case we ran into a little ride machine for Zoee. So, with us on our way for our family filled day, we decided to drive through for daddy's favorite breakfast, Hardee's Biscuits! We enjoyed them as we haven't had them in a long while, and the taste of them was worth the cheat! :) Zoee thoroughly enjoyed hers. So happy breakfast. Next we went to Home Depot to look for some things for the yard, as my hubby is in charge of designing and getting the back yard cleaned up and landscaped. We decided to go to a movie but needed to kill some time, so we drove along Palomar Airport Road and decided to go to a park. We asked Siri to search for parks near us, on our iPhones, and it led us to the Leo Carillo Ranch. It was an old hacienda/ranch and had lots of Peacocks. We were so excited! I love going to historical places, and seeing history, feeling history, breathing history. It's amazing! Zoee loved walking the little trail around, seeing the peacocks which she calls "BIG BIRDS". We got some pictures of her, and they were cute! :) She had her Dora the Explorer shirt on, so it fit perfect for where we were :) She felt like she was on an adventure.

After visiting the Ranch, we took a drive to San Marcos and got an ice cream cone! Zoee LOVES ice cream! We got her some strawberry ice cream! and Daddy even won her a bright green ball in the claw machine. She was so excited! We decided to skip the movie, and we then continued on driving. So we went to the mall to the North County Fair mall to get won over by the cute little pets at the pet store. We love walking through the pet store and seeing all the cute little puppies, bunnies and such. There was an Akita we loved seeing so much! So beautiful, such a beautiful dog. She looked at Zoee through the glass and it was like they made a connection. It was beautiful. Sadly, we couldn't take the doggie home, :(( but hopefully one day, we will be able to bring one home to a nice, new yard! :) So, maybe just maybe, I'm thinking about Zoee's 2nd Birthday! We shall see!! :)))

After leaving the mall, we headed out to Dixon Lake in Escondido. It was nice seeing the lake and feeling the peace that lake brought. I had nothing but relaxing thoughts, emotions in me. Zoee played on the little playground and had a great time. We really got her tired for the day. Soon, we left. On our way home, we were driving on the 78 heading west. Right off of the Vista Village Drive Off ramp to the 78 west, Havea spotted a woman broken down on the side of the road. We passed them, and even though I didn't seem them at all, Havea said, "should I turn around and help that woman?" and not that it was a question like the typical "should I?" it was more, like asking me if it was ok? of course I agreed! and we made our way to turn around. We got to the woman, she looked as if she was in her early 70s and she has a little boy with her, probably around the age of 7, his name was Carlos. We later learned her name was Consuelo. Havea got out of the car offering her help. You could tell she was in deep gratitude for his help. Her little grandson Carlos was very excited to see Havea and his stature. I can only imagine myself in that little boy, seeing my husband as Nephi! :)) at least that is what I like to see my husband as! Tall, handsome, strong and wonderful. The jack that this lady had was too tall, so Havea lifted the car, and the little boys eyes got bigger than I've seen a child's get on Christmas day! He was so amazed that Havea was lifting the car, and couldn't believe it. It was a Miracle, and even though I know that my husband is strong, and even though, I know he can accomplish things that require lots of strength, I literally saw him a man of God, and knew that he was being strengthened by the priesthood power.

As he later changed the tire and put the spare on this woman's car, we followed her to a gas station to to put air in her tires. That is what the change we brought came in handy for! See? The Lord inspires us, and if we listen, we are given the opportunities to do His work. The woman came up to me asking me if I spoke spanish, and I sadly said no. But in simple words she said she had no money to pay us, and I wanted to cry, because we did not expect ANYTHING in return, we simply wanted to help. So with my hands, I brought them up to my heart, and said, NO! NO! do not worry, we want to give (motioning from my heart to hers) you this. We do not need anything. The little boy, her grandson translated what I had said, and the woman started crying. My heart went out to her. She was so indeed grateful and called us her angels sent from God. It was seriously the perfect ending to our fun filled day. Ending our family day helping another in need was the best thing that could have happened to our family. Even though Zoee didn't fully understand anything that was going on, someday she will know, and someday she will understand, just how Extraordinary her Father is! I'm so grateful for a man who holds this gift of the Priesthood Power and practices it in every opportunity he is given, in big and small ways. Although he is knew to this, and knew to many things, he is so experienced in knowing how fathers love, how men are to be men, how a son shows his appreciation for His Father in Heaven.

I am married to the most wonderful man!

Leo Carillo Ranch Pool 
Leo Carillo Ranch Side Walk Way up to Ellie's House

Leo Carillo Ranch Main House

Leo Carillo Ranch UnEven Staircase up along the Main House
Zoee Looking at the Main House from the back lawn

Zoee sitting on a Rock Wall

Zoee sitting in the Horse Stables

Zoee wondering why we have to take a picture

She was SO CUTE!

So amazed at the Dirt Road! She felt like she was on Dora!