Saturday, March 2, 2013


I have some confessions to reveal here in this post today, I have been very guilty of not communicating well and have been a hypocrite because I demand communication; all in all marriage is a learning experience that helps us grow and life is the playground. It's been a pretty stressful month, and although there have been many great highlights this month, the bad things just seem to get the best of me and leave me worried, discouraged and scared. 

Then I saw this picture:

God's Voice Vs. Satan's Voice

God's Voice
1. Stills You
2. Leads You
3. Reassures You
4. Enlightens You
5. Encourages You
6. Comforts You
7. Calms You
8. Convicts You

Satan's Voice
1. Rushes You
2. Pushes You
3. Frightens You
4. Confuses You
5. Discourages You
6. Worries You
7. Obsesses You
8. Condemns You

So although I have many more items of feeling on Satan's list, I need to take Elder Uchtdorfs words to heart and, "STOP IT!" and all I have to say is, "GET BEHIND ME, SATAN!" My husband and I have been given some tough situations this last month that has given us a big opportunity to test our faith. As stubborn as I can be, and in all honesty, it has been VERY hard for me to trust. I have already had many trust issues, but trusting in my Lord, my Savior, hasn't ever been a problem, until now. I have fallen like many in thinking that Heavenly Father doesn't have time for me, or doesn't have the time to grant me favors that probably would not matter to Him anyway, and how more STUPID  does that sound, or STUPID can I be?? Goodness gracious, He's my Heavenly Father for goodness sakes! He LOVES ME! I know that! I have been feeling very vulnerable, scared, worried, and all the above, and have not humbled myself to feel peace. I took some frustration out on my husband and sadly only made myself feel worst, yet made him feel bad too. Bad Wife badge :( Gracefully, my husband understands me, loves me and is extremely patient with me. I am so grateful for the awesome man he is and just how in tune with the spirit he is, he doesn't realize how much he is, but he is. 

Ok, the next thing I'm about to say is really WHY I know my Heavenly Father loves me, and it is through simple and small things that I feel such a GREAT amount of Love from Him. My wonderful, patient and loving husband communicated to me. Naturally, in a calm yet firm way, he was able to communicate his feelings, help me understand what he needed me to understand, while also making a point that he understood exactly what I was trying to communicate the night before, in which I  kind of did a bad job at. This is what he did! 

#1 He called me babe! Havea and I, from day 1 of the start of our relationship, our dating       relationship, we have always referred to each other as "Babe or Baby" it grew more and more as we got closer, to "honey, sexy, lover, beautiful, handsome, sugar-lips, etc." When he calls me 'babe', it literally STILLS my soul. I can't explain how much it calms me. 

#2 He asked me out on a date! He was inviting me out of the place where I was feeling vulnerable and worried, and LEADING me into a new environment, where I could have a change of scenery, not think about ALL the troubles, and just re-group, focus and have an open heart and mind.  So he invited me to the beach, to hear the waves crash, to feel the breeze, and to just hold hands and talk! (He makes me fall in love with him more each day)

#3 As we were talking about the things that we are going to be faced with, he started to REASSURE me of his desires for our family, we went over our plans, and I started to feel peace and goodness from what we were talking about. 

#4 I started talking about things and options for different things, and he was actually listening and chimed in with his thoughts and ENLIGHTENED me with his words. As we talked it felt like our view of our future was growing bigger and brighter, and warmth started to fill my heart. 

#5 We started talking about options for our family and going back to school is a desire we both have. I told him that I was excited to do the pathway program in the fall and he was more than ENCOURAGING, he was routing for me! He even decided that it would be a great idea for him too, and so we are finding a way for us BOTH to be going to school and we are ever more SOOO EXCITED! 

#6 Later that night he COMFORTED me! No details needs to be said! :) 

#7 I was CALMED by his spirit, by his love for me and Zoee and for his dedication to be the leader, the head, the man, the father, the Patriarch of our family. I am so grateful to have been given a man of this nature, who has so many Godly Attributes. 

#8 I'm not sure how Convicts is part of it, but it was a good opportunity to humble myself and realize that I have been guilty of not trusting the Lord, trusting my husband and trusting myself.


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