Thursday, March 21, 2013

the FUTURE is Near.......

Can I Say

Havea and I have been accepted to Brigham Young University Idaho's Pathway Program! We are enrolled for the Fall 2013 semester and are extremely excited for this opportunity to go to school! Havea has decided what career choice and path he wants to pursue, and I couldn't be more happier for him (he will reveal this occupation in his own time, but chooses to remain discrete until his testing and results are proven excellent - he only likes to display his BEST!) I have no doubt he'll be successful, but that's my hubby's wishes! I'll just throw a hint saying that it has me a bit googly-eyed because he will look just as HOT and AMAZING in his uniform. AH! Ok, now on another note, I've also decided a career choice and path and decided to continue my education in working towards a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Business Administration, eventually transferring to being an Accounting Major and then CPA. To actually know what we want to do in life is so WONDERFUL! I mean, it's like when you're asked the question as a little child, "So, what do you want to be when you grown up?" and as little kids you know we have BIG HOPES and BIG DREAMS! and answer with confidence "The President!" or "RICH!" or "Doctor" or "Like Daddy!!" these dreams sometimes are fed and encouraged, and sometimes they're not, for no apparent reason, we start to believe that as we grow older, our potential for past dreams/hopes are gone, and that we are not fully capable in pursuing those things. Well we need to answer confidently and come out with our dreams, put in the hard work and effort and let it continue on from there. With that said, it feel's GREAT to get this out in the open, to be excited, and just to start this new step towards the progression of our family, life and future. 

I hope to instill in my daughter Zoee and her younger siblings (our future children) the confidence that they can achieve ANYTHING they put their heart and hard-work in to. It is my hope that as a mother that I can be a guide, that I can help enlighten, that I can expand their creativity into things they love, whether it be knitting to a rocket-scientist, I pray that whatever they choose to do in life, it will be focused on enhancing them to be spiritual, exceptional, and wonderful human beings, always delighting in truth. That is my hope. 

Although having an Associates Degree does not mean much to some, it means EVERYTHING to me, and I really would not have accomplished that, if it were not for my AMAZING mother! Although my mom can be pushy sometimes, she has ALWAYS pushed me in the right direction, not of direction of her choosing, but a direction that was surely right for me. She always encouraged me to pursue my education, to make it a priority so that someday, I may be successful in what I desire to do in life. I really didn't take her seriously at all, but I know that each time she spoke, she was encouraging me. It may not have always seemed like that to my little 16 year old brain, but all in all, I knew she was, deep in my heart, I knew it. 

In the scriptures, it talks about mothers, and how they were a tremendous influence on their young sons. It says as follows:

In Alma 56:47-48

47 Now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the aliberty of their bfathers than they did upon their lives; yea, they had been taught by their cmothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them.
 48 And they rehearsed unto me the words of their amothers, saying: We bdo not doubt our mothers knew it
I have been blessed to KNOW that my mother did not doubt me or the potential I have. She has taught me to overcome obstacles in all situations and types of "weather".
Another part of future is looking bright, although it may seem like a long road, we are hopeful for the outcome. Occupations! In the mean time of us both going to school, we are grateful to my parents for hosting us in their home for as long as we need to accomplish our education, and allowing us the care for Zoee when needed when we will be working! Going back to work, was not so hot for me, cause I have thoroughly enjoyed staying home with my little girl, and seeing her grow in so many ways. I really don't know how I did it that first year of working. I honestly think the separation this time will be a whole lot harder, yet, thank goodness, she loves my family just as much as I do, so when needed she won't feel so out of place. 

I'm so excited for our future, I'm excited for the answered prayer of having the opportunity to go back to school, both Havea and I are. We are excited for a healthy baby girl, and a wonderful family that supports and loves us. 

"I never said this life would be easy, I just said it would be worth it!" 

the Future is Near....... and we are EMBRACING it! 

Now for a nice walk on the beach!
Until next time!

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