Thursday, January 31, 2013

Open Faced Baked Sandwich!

Here is the recipe for the opened faced sandwich I was telling everyone about on Facebook! It is SOOO EASY to make and you can add literally whatever you want on it! It's also Weight Watchers Friendly and works it's way at just 5 points! WOW! (I deeply apologize for not having any pictures, as I was so hungry that I ate it all before I realized to take a picture). 

What You Will Need:

Red Onions (I prefer red on this sandwich)
Olive Oil
Feta Cheese
Mozzarella Cheese (I cubed them before, but shredded or sliced works just as great)
Mayo (You can use Light if you'd like) or NO mayo at all, mustard is a good alternative

anyway, drizzle some olive oil on a foiled backing sheet, spread with fingers until the whole pan is coated.

place bread with a light spread of mayo onto the pan, with the mayo side faced up. 

take tomatoes and slice as thick as you want and place them on the mayo side of the bread

sprinkle some crumbled feta cheese on top of the tomatoes, kind of gives this a little salty flavor. 

Slice the onions and lightly grill in a pan with a little olive oil. After grilled, place onions on top of tomatoes and feta cheese. 

Then, place mozzarella cheese cubes or slices on top of the onions. 

Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 10 minutes or until the bread it slightly toasted and cheese is melted. 

Bon Apetite! 

Fruits and Veggies are 0 points! Awesome right? So the bread we use amounts to 3 points per slice, and with the amount of cheese and light spread of mayo we used, only totaled to another 2 points. YUM! 

top this off with a side salad and lemon squeeze or even more rich tasting veggies and you got yourself an awesome lunch for only 5 points! 


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Another Monday

There will always be many cases of the "Mondays" ahead, but for me, sometimes they are the worst. So to turn this frowny Monday into a smiley one, I had to excuse my friend selfish and invite my friend humility to come today. Even though I'm posting this Tuesday, a little late (lol), I felt it was important to finish this post and publish.

Well Morning routine, got up with my love to make him breakfast and fix his lunch for the day. He loves PB&Js for snack time so I had it pretty easy this morning, and more so because his lunch was already cooked and packed to go :) hubby leaves 2 1/2 hours earlier so he can get some gym time, shower and off to work. He likes going before hand because it helps him feel more refreshed, and he likes going because when he's off work, he just knows himself too well to be so tired afterwards. Anyway, supporting his decision to go, is huge, and I'm happy he's doing something for himself to make himself feel better, after all, I reap the benefits :) I still think he's the sexiest man ever! :)

After hubby was gone and off for the day, I checked baby girl. Her diaper, pretty soaked, as I knew would probably be, being that she has her nightly dose per say. (We are still trying to wean her from formula and a bottle) but as parents of a very smart and intelligent little girl, it's not easy to convince her wise mind. So changing her diaper, while she was still sleeping I crept in another smaller "dose" and she fell right back asleep :) score!

So by this time it's about 5am and with me wide awake, (unbelievably) I couldn't help but change my attitude and actually try to take advantage of my options here, being a stay at home mom. So, baby is sill sleeping and knocked out, oh my goodness? I should SHOWER! And its totally before 11am!!! Epiphany! Embarrassing I know, but lately because of this cold weather (at least for the west coast, San Diego in particular) warm beds are meant for staying in, if you can, for as long as you can. It's just the general stay at home mommy rule, I mean, haven't you ever been told the new mommy rule!? "now there young lady, you sleep when your baby sleeps" so in some senses immaturely, I have carried that saying all the way to my almost 1&1/2 year old, embarrassing but true. So, I kicked that aside and took advantage of the situation of me 1st being wide awake at such an hour! (Crazy) and 2nd I could have a peaceful shower and not worry about Zoee, or anyone having to watch her, cause she was sound asleep, right down the hall, with the door open enough for me to hear her for the "just in case" :)

I got ready and refreshed, feeling pretty good at 530/6am in the morning. I even was able to squeeze in some Greys Anatomy! LOL! All in all, around 715am, I made the decision that I was going to keep this morning routine because, for my own sanity and for my daughter, we needed to finally be on a schedule. So I woke her up with the new rule, we were to be up by 725 (well I need to be showered and ready for the day, Zoee just up and diaper changed) and downstairs for breakfast.

When 8am rolled around, Zoee got her morning shower and we got her ready for the day. She was thrilled and I believe even more cooperative, cause this was a change for her, being that she didn't have to wake mommy up this time. Although some would find this embarrassing to admit, I find it normal, real and honest. Anyway.. We got ready, oiled up (side note: I have been using DoTerra Oils on Zoee because 1) They are wonderful oils that help and CURE anything NATURALLY! 2) They smell SOOOOO Good 3) All in all Zoee has maintained her health really well and I am a true believer!).

Between that time and 10am we managed to get the room cleaned, watch some Elmo and some Dora, sing the Alphabet song, mommy got the loads of laundry downstairs, sorted and cycling through.

After which snack time followed by Zoee being more hungry and needing lunch, that time came around a lot faster then I had realized. She got cleaned up, played with her baby dolls and lined them in a row to watch yet, more Dora, and more Elmo.

Time was simply passing by and the energy I felt was more than I thought I had ever. It was a sense of mommy power in my opinion, that helped me be grateful for the joy I received in simply, making a choice, sticking with it and moving forward.

Zoees experience with mommy was a true success and I know that she feels glad to be on a schedule. I mean my mother and friends who have had children have ALWAYS said that being on a schedule, though it be hard at first, only benefits us later. Within the first day, my joy was noticing that life happens, and there are just some situations we can't help, but, we can help other situations, and make changes to experience more joy, more peace.

With my breakdown the previous Friday and with my attitude to actively change, I know that there will be those breakdowns occasionally, I will go through many "dark ages" in my life, however if I continue to just turn this bad case of the Mondays into another beautiful day of living, my heart feels peace, my mind is inspired, and my family is happy!

Definitely not a bad Monday at all!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


It was a good morning. Although going to bed late last night did not help my body feel fully rested, I was even more grateful that I woke up with a full functioning right leg. My lower back and right leg (as of now, used to be my left) has been bothering me the last 3 weeks, and with icing, hot tub relaxation, stretching, surprisingly, even some of those activities can be a little much sometimes.. Having a toddler is even more difficult because they are so active, and when mommy is not as active it's not as fun for them. Well I am just grateful that I could walk without a limp today was progress and something I was absolutely grateful for. Funny thing if its not one thing, it's another, so while now having a functioning leg, I am now struck with a slight fever/cold. But I'm not letting that fully stop me because just being able to walk right and more comfortably is allowing me to get done what I have been putting off for weeks. So I'm sweating it out, but definitely taking a nap break, not to worry.

In between laundry, folding clothes, organizing, putting things away, paying bills, preparing lunches, just the calmness I feel being at home today gives me comfort and gratitude for a beautiful day, and for beautiful blessings given to me throughout the day. I put on pandora a hymns of worship station and trying to teach Zoee some quiet time. It doesn't really work, but it helps mommy stay calm. :) lol! She's such a joy and a beautiful baby with such a beautiful spirit! I know that as a first time mother, a lot of things are different, new and hard to understand, but I'm grateful that Heavenly Father sent her to me, she teaches me so much everyday! Everyday is progress, sometimes we fall behind, but all in all to know that there's a tomorrow or even another minute to change what happened prior is huge! Being a mother helps me progress in humility, and knowing what my purpose is in this life.

I also have to express how grateful I am for my husband, for his constant progression and efforts in providing for our family. For loving us unconditionally. I could not have been more blessed with a better man! He is truly the man of my heart and makes me feel like a queen! I know that marriage is progression, and even though there are down times, I have realized that those experiences are given to help humble us to be more understanding of the other person, our husband or wife. So I am looking at my situation more and more, that if I'm frustrated, I may always or sometimes have a valid point for being frustrated, but it's more so because I needed to be humbled. I have learned that marriage is a progression of reaching and achieving goals, giving genuine support and love.

It's a great day! I can't wait to see my lover when he comes home!! :)

Friday, January 11, 2013


445am, the clock sounded the alarm. Funny how those numbers play even in my dreams sometimes. But knowing that I needed to get up was my goal and start to get my hubby off to work. With it being so cold, staying under the covers seemed so much more fun then getting up and heading down stairs to the cold kitchen. But it was thus my desire to do so, as I have enjoyed waking up with my hubby and helping him get off to work :) 

Well I thought my hubby pressed snooze and to my surprise he actually just turned it off. He came and snuggled me close and I must have fallen asleep in his arms being that he was extra warm :) So, an hour later - thinking it was only a couple minutes passed since I closed my eyes, it was indeed 545! Oh my goodness! I looked over to see him already with Zoee, changing her diaper, had her bottle ready and everything set for me to continue sleeping in. He put Zoee in my arms as I snuggled her in the warm blankets, handed her her bottle, and knelt down as he offered our morning family prayer. He kissed us both before he left, wished me a happy birthday and continued on to his day at work. Best ever husband I tell you! 

The day went on and Zoee was being a little difficult with the back to sleep part, so, she entertained herself by playing with her "bear" and "dora" stuffed animals and dolls. Managed to climb and get into my purse playing with my make-up brushes saying "peedy" (pretty). I woke up just in time as she was trying to climb up her shelf to get into more drawers that she could explore. This little girl, I tell you, she's quite the explorer! :) (Thank you DORA the EXPLORER!). As I awoke, she said "MOMMY!?! EAT?" which is her phrase for EVERY morning now. So I got dressed and as I was, "Papa-to-the-rescue!" came and grabbed Zoee and fed her! Thank you, Thank you! 

As I made my way downstairs, she was just finishing up some cereal and fruit, and ran around the house with her little jumping run, happy and fresh! Everyone wished me a happy birthday and hugged me, and just being with my family, made it special. In little moments, I stepped back from myself and just evaluated the gratitude that I have for my family, though we may not have a lot, we have each other, and love for each other. My family has given me the greatest gifts all year for my birthday, indeed taking my family, Havea, Zoee and I into their home, allowing us to stay there, and more so, just loving us, taking care of us, being mindful of us, caring for us, like any parent would do for their child. I'm just so grateful for their examples, for their love, and for them always being there and helping us. Truly the greatest gift to me has been being born into this wonderful family. 

I didn't have any other picture of all of us together, so this one will have to do for now

Later on, I was greeted by countless people, family and friends who wished me love and happy birthdays on Facebook and Text! I felt extremely special and didn't realize how many people really do care and like me! Honestly, I just have felt that a lot of things have changed in my life, and I know in some ways I have changed. I'm not as social, or vibrant and talkative as I used to be, and so I felt that a lot of my friendships with people have faded, but I was wrong, I was indeed overwhelmed with love from everyones comments and posts! Thank you! 

I was able to talk to a dear friend of mine since childhood! Meghan! We've been friends since the early, early 90s! and it was WONDERFUL chatting with her! She is like another sister to me! 

Me and Meghan!

After that I got ready and had a birthday lunch with my girls! My Mom, Whitney, Rachel, Felila and Zoee! My sister Rachel treated us all out to Spiritos! Now if you haven't been to Spiritos, you are MISSING OUT on the absolute BEST Italian food EVER! I'm telling you! OUT OF THIS WORLD! Super friendly environment, you feel like family, just all around pure awesomeness! :) 

After that much needed and wonderful meal, we headed back home to rest our tummies. I lounged and didn't do very much as I planned to, and honestly I don't know what I did after that, however before I knew it, Havea was on his way home. He came through the door and started to make his way to get ready as him and Zoee were taking me to dinner! We went to my favorite! PF CHANGS! I LOVE PF CHANGS, their dessert, not so great, but their food! I just LOVE IT! 

Zoee was being good, which has been rare, but she's getting better being out in public now! I mean she's just so darn smart and picks up things so fast, this time she's learned biting, which indeed was NOT from any of us here at home, and preschool has some new pointers for toddler life, and not to mention, she learned the whine cry, and......... the shouting NO! Oh my goodness! But thank goodness for daddy, cause he has her in control! He says something once, she'll maybe try it one more time, but after that it's behavior switch on! She listens to daddy! :)

Anyway, we get to our table and here is what we got! Bon Apetit! 


Zoee looking at her menu! She wanted the big one, cause she's a big girl! LOL

Mommy? Maybe this one??

Zoee ordering her meal in baby-talk! :) She wanted chicken with sweet and sour dipping sauce! 

She wanted to color! When she saw this, she immediately said "CAT" and "MEOW"

THE HOTTIE next to Me! I'm so lucky! 

Zoee's food! 

Hubby's Food! Sesame Chicken

My FAVORITE! Shrimp with HoneyDew Melon and Candied Walnuts in a beautiful soft cream coconut sauce! MMMM!!! I'm spoiled and I know it! :0)

After we dined and had a wonderful dinner! Hubby and Zoee treated me to my absolute favorite dessert! TGIFriday's Vanilla Bean, White Chocolate CheeseCake! 


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Baby Girl Is Grown!

Today was a beautiful day! I woke up got my hubby off to work and as he helped me this morning (like he does every morning) get Zoee settled and taken care of so early, it truly made me so grateful for him and for all that he does for me and Zoee. (Awe* precious husband moment). It was even more exciting this morning, because even though Zoee didn't quite know, I knew we would be going to Mommy-&-Me Preschool!

Even though I got our stuff ready, I still managed to show up to her school on "Jane-Time" LOL! Someday I will be on time and make it a habit! :) someday...

We entered her preschool and had an awesome day! She played, had story time did an art project, met some new friends, and was at the park! She seriously couldn't have been happier!

After that we had lunch with her Aunty Felila, Aunty Whitney and Aunt Rachel at Teri's Cafe for Felilas birthday! :) she enjoyed her lunch and ate it all :)

It was a wonderful eventful day and Ben though I have to cut this post short cause
I'm falling asleep, will resume tomorrow :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Recipe for Chicken-Avo-mode ;)

Feeds 4

4 boneless, skinless chicken breast (fresh and thawed)

5 large avocados

1 large tomato

1 small white onion

2 jalapeño peppers (seeded and finely chopped)

1 bunch if cilantro

Shredded lettuce

8 limes

Olive oil

Salt and Pepper

1 container of Mrs. Dash Fiesta cilantro seasoning (picture on Facebook)

Prepare the chicken by cutting each chicken breast in half, as they are pretty large. Heat a hot non-stick skillet and lightly coat the pan with olive oil. Take Mrs. Dash seasoning and sprinkle generous amounts on both sides of chicken. Place chicken in hot skillet with the olive oil and sear both sides of chicken at about 1 minute each side.
Place seared chicken on a foiled cookie sheet that is lightly costed with olive oil as well. After searing of chicken with seasoning is completed, place pan of seared chicken in oven at 350 degrees for first 30 minutes. Increase heat to 375 and check chicken every 10 minutes to make sure chicken is cooked through.


Combine avocados, onions, tomatoes, jalapeños, salt and pepper (to your liking and taste), and cilantro and mix well. It's all about taste! Squeeze 1 lime into the mix. Stir and mix well and chill in fridge until ready to serve.

After chicken is baked squeeze the rest of the fresh limes all over the chicken be generous! After that is complete sit chicken next to favorite side (ex. Rice, veggies) and tip off with avocado/guacamole and you have an AMAZING DISH!!

Bon Apetit!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Dinner Success!!

So.. This was truly a SUCCESS! Definitely a handy and quick and easy, not to mention EXTREMELY FLAVORFUL, YUMMY dinner!

The pictures are of my success!

I used boneless skinless chicken breast cut in half, cilantro fiesta seasoning by Mrs. Dash, avocados, tomatoes, jalapeños, salt and pepper, limes and cilantro for the guacamole and shredded lettuce on the side. My mom made the Spanish rice and we had some chips for those who wanted to turn their dish into a chicken taco salad! I will post the recipe in my next post but gots to get this little one year old to bed!

Good Morning!

Woke Up, got husband off to work with a more nutritional lunch packed, some oatmeal with a sprinkle of some brown sugar love; said our morning prayer and exchanged "I love you's" and kissed. Came back up stairs and as tempted as I am to wake my little one, I thought I'd let her sleep in an extra hour so I could write this post and semi gather my thoughts over the last couple of days.

This new year has brought so much to think about and I know will change my life in a different direction for certain. Lots of things are going through my mind, as sometimes just having a journal/blog helps to release the things on my mind in a more organized and nice way.

(Snoring daughter in the background)

Anyhow, I am looking forward to the changes being brought upon this year, and I am indeed grateful for the strength I can receive by being righteous and fulfilling my divine purpose.

I started to think the "what ifs" the "wait a minutes" and all things possible that could go wrong or could go right, and find myself in worry. Then the other Sunday, I decided to play Mormon messages on YouTube to help get me in the mood to soften my heart and hear the spirit. It's truly AMAZING how fast and how striking and effective those videos are, especially to me. They are all my favorites, and some even more than others. I honestly cannot recall the name of the wonderful apostle who spoke in this video, however, with all my thinking (which my husband calls "worrying too much") I started to feel a great deal of comfort and peace, yet an urge to change things in my life.


In this video, this wonderful apostle talks of his experience traveling on a plane, and to his dismay, complications were indeed under dangerous measures. There was something that had gone wrong, and with much turbulence, and emergency signs on, lots of people feared of crashing down to their death; this apostle however was not. The reason being is because he was a peace with himself, and evaluated himself in being ready to meet his maker. He had/has/is been living his life in a manner pleasing unto the Savior. He gazed at all his brothers and sisters on the plane and saw the fear and sadness of so many. He felt for them and his heart reached out to them. To make a long story short, the pilot was able to get the plane back up in the air and perform an emergency landing and all passengers were able to be safely escorted back toloved ones, homes, Etc.

With his words, and the same question he proposed, "am I ready to meet my maker?" My answer would have been and still is honestly, no. So this year, I have decided to indeed prepare myself to meet my maker and hopefully prove my worthiness to be a better wife, a better mother, a better friend. To be more Christ-like and obtain His characteristics. To be more acquainted with Christ through regularity in scripture study and prayer. To educated my mind on not only how to be a lady, but how to be a daughter of God.

Yes, this year will be a wonderful year, although I am certain there will be trials, there will be sadness, but enduring these things with a humble and hopeful heart, with faith! Will get me through.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Day! New Year!

Woke up, and to my surprise, my daughter climes out of her crib, rolled onto my bed and patted my cheeks to give me the biggest GOOD MORNING MAMA and to my even more surprise, realized that she had slept in til 9am! This new year sounds great right, then, another surprise, my husband took it upon himself to sort and clean/wash and dry all the laundry, and could that not be any better? Well.. All in all this new year has been great! I'm so grateful for the little things, the small things, the simple things. More info to write later!