Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Baby Girl Is Grown!

Today was a beautiful day! I woke up got my hubby off to work and as he helped me this morning (like he does every morning) get Zoee settled and taken care of so early, it truly made me so grateful for him and for all that he does for me and Zoee. (Awe* precious husband moment). It was even more exciting this morning, because even though Zoee didn't quite know, I knew we would be going to Mommy-&-Me Preschool!

Even though I got our stuff ready, I still managed to show up to her school on "Jane-Time" LOL! Someday I will be on time and make it a habit! :) someday...

We entered her preschool and had an awesome day! She played, had story time did an art project, met some new friends, and was at the park! She seriously couldn't have been happier!

After that we had lunch with her Aunty Felila, Aunty Whitney and Aunt Rachel at Teri's Cafe for Felilas birthday! :) she enjoyed her lunch and ate it all :)

It was a wonderful eventful day and Ben though I have to cut this post short cause
I'm falling asleep, will resume tomorrow :)

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