Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Another Monday

There will always be many cases of the "Mondays" ahead, but for me, sometimes they are the worst. So to turn this frowny Monday into a smiley one, I had to excuse my friend selfish and invite my friend humility to come today. Even though I'm posting this Tuesday, a little late (lol), I felt it was important to finish this post and publish.

Well Morning routine, got up with my love to make him breakfast and fix his lunch for the day. He loves PB&Js for snack time so I had it pretty easy this morning, and more so because his lunch was already cooked and packed to go :) hubby leaves 2 1/2 hours earlier so he can get some gym time, shower and off to work. He likes going before hand because it helps him feel more refreshed, and he likes going because when he's off work, he just knows himself too well to be so tired afterwards. Anyway, supporting his decision to go, is huge, and I'm happy he's doing something for himself to make himself feel better, after all, I reap the benefits :) I still think he's the sexiest man ever! :)

After hubby was gone and off for the day, I checked baby girl. Her diaper, pretty soaked, as I knew would probably be, being that she has her nightly dose per say. (We are still trying to wean her from formula and a bottle) but as parents of a very smart and intelligent little girl, it's not easy to convince her wise mind. So changing her diaper, while she was still sleeping I crept in another smaller "dose" and she fell right back asleep :) score!

So by this time it's about 5am and with me wide awake, (unbelievably) I couldn't help but change my attitude and actually try to take advantage of my options here, being a stay at home mom. So, baby is sill sleeping and knocked out, oh my goodness? I should SHOWER! And its totally before 11am!!! Epiphany! Embarrassing I know, but lately because of this cold weather (at least for the west coast, San Diego in particular) warm beds are meant for staying in, if you can, for as long as you can. It's just the general stay at home mommy rule, I mean, haven't you ever been told the new mommy rule!? "now there young lady, you sleep when your baby sleeps" so in some senses immaturely, I have carried that saying all the way to my almost 1&1/2 year old, embarrassing but true. So, I kicked that aside and took advantage of the situation of me 1st being wide awake at such an hour! (Crazy) and 2nd I could have a peaceful shower and not worry about Zoee, or anyone having to watch her, cause she was sound asleep, right down the hall, with the door open enough for me to hear her for the "just in case" :)

I got ready and refreshed, feeling pretty good at 530/6am in the morning. I even was able to squeeze in some Greys Anatomy! LOL! All in all, around 715am, I made the decision that I was going to keep this morning routine because, for my own sanity and for my daughter, we needed to finally be on a schedule. So I woke her up with the new rule, we were to be up by 725 (well I need to be showered and ready for the day, Zoee just up and diaper changed) and downstairs for breakfast.

When 8am rolled around, Zoee got her morning shower and we got her ready for the day. She was thrilled and I believe even more cooperative, cause this was a change for her, being that she didn't have to wake mommy up this time. Although some would find this embarrassing to admit, I find it normal, real and honest. Anyway.. We got ready, oiled up (side note: I have been using DoTerra Oils on Zoee because 1) They are wonderful oils that help and CURE anything NATURALLY! 2) They smell SOOOOO Good 3) All in all Zoee has maintained her health really well and I am a true believer!).

Between that time and 10am we managed to get the room cleaned, watch some Elmo and some Dora, sing the Alphabet song, mommy got the loads of laundry downstairs, sorted and cycling through.

After which snack time followed by Zoee being more hungry and needing lunch, that time came around a lot faster then I had realized. She got cleaned up, played with her baby dolls and lined them in a row to watch yet, more Dora, and more Elmo.

Time was simply passing by and the energy I felt was more than I thought I had ever. It was a sense of mommy power in my opinion, that helped me be grateful for the joy I received in simply, making a choice, sticking with it and moving forward.

Zoees experience with mommy was a true success and I know that she feels glad to be on a schedule. I mean my mother and friends who have had children have ALWAYS said that being on a schedule, though it be hard at first, only benefits us later. Within the first day, my joy was noticing that life happens, and there are just some situations we can't help, but, we can help other situations, and make changes to experience more joy, more peace.

With my breakdown the previous Friday and with my attitude to actively change, I know that there will be those breakdowns occasionally, I will go through many "dark ages" in my life, however if I continue to just turn this bad case of the Mondays into another beautiful day of living, my heart feels peace, my mind is inspired, and my family is happy!

Definitely not a bad Monday at all!

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