Friday, January 4, 2013

Good Morning!

Woke Up, got husband off to work with a more nutritional lunch packed, some oatmeal with a sprinkle of some brown sugar love; said our morning prayer and exchanged "I love you's" and kissed. Came back up stairs and as tempted as I am to wake my little one, I thought I'd let her sleep in an extra hour so I could write this post and semi gather my thoughts over the last couple of days.

This new year has brought so much to think about and I know will change my life in a different direction for certain. Lots of things are going through my mind, as sometimes just having a journal/blog helps to release the things on my mind in a more organized and nice way.

(Snoring daughter in the background)

Anyhow, I am looking forward to the changes being brought upon this year, and I am indeed grateful for the strength I can receive by being righteous and fulfilling my divine purpose.

I started to think the "what ifs" the "wait a minutes" and all things possible that could go wrong or could go right, and find myself in worry. Then the other Sunday, I decided to play Mormon messages on YouTube to help get me in the mood to soften my heart and hear the spirit. It's truly AMAZING how fast and how striking and effective those videos are, especially to me. They are all my favorites, and some even more than others. I honestly cannot recall the name of the wonderful apostle who spoke in this video, however, with all my thinking (which my husband calls "worrying too much") I started to feel a great deal of comfort and peace, yet an urge to change things in my life.


In this video, this wonderful apostle talks of his experience traveling on a plane, and to his dismay, complications were indeed under dangerous measures. There was something that had gone wrong, and with much turbulence, and emergency signs on, lots of people feared of crashing down to their death; this apostle however was not. The reason being is because he was a peace with himself, and evaluated himself in being ready to meet his maker. He had/has/is been living his life in a manner pleasing unto the Savior. He gazed at all his brothers and sisters on the plane and saw the fear and sadness of so many. He felt for them and his heart reached out to them. To make a long story short, the pilot was able to get the plane back up in the air and perform an emergency landing and all passengers were able to be safely escorted back toloved ones, homes, Etc.

With his words, and the same question he proposed, "am I ready to meet my maker?" My answer would have been and still is honestly, no. So this year, I have decided to indeed prepare myself to meet my maker and hopefully prove my worthiness to be a better wife, a better mother, a better friend. To be more Christ-like and obtain His characteristics. To be more acquainted with Christ through regularity in scripture study and prayer. To educated my mind on not only how to be a lady, but how to be a daughter of God.

Yes, this year will be a wonderful year, although I am certain there will be trials, there will be sadness, but enduring these things with a humble and hopeful heart, with faith! Will get me through.

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