Friday, January 11, 2013


445am, the clock sounded the alarm. Funny how those numbers play even in my dreams sometimes. But knowing that I needed to get up was my goal and start to get my hubby off to work. With it being so cold, staying under the covers seemed so much more fun then getting up and heading down stairs to the cold kitchen. But it was thus my desire to do so, as I have enjoyed waking up with my hubby and helping him get off to work :) 

Well I thought my hubby pressed snooze and to my surprise he actually just turned it off. He came and snuggled me close and I must have fallen asleep in his arms being that he was extra warm :) So, an hour later - thinking it was only a couple minutes passed since I closed my eyes, it was indeed 545! Oh my goodness! I looked over to see him already with Zoee, changing her diaper, had her bottle ready and everything set for me to continue sleeping in. He put Zoee in my arms as I snuggled her in the warm blankets, handed her her bottle, and knelt down as he offered our morning family prayer. He kissed us both before he left, wished me a happy birthday and continued on to his day at work. Best ever husband I tell you! 

The day went on and Zoee was being a little difficult with the back to sleep part, so, she entertained herself by playing with her "bear" and "dora" stuffed animals and dolls. Managed to climb and get into my purse playing with my make-up brushes saying "peedy" (pretty). I woke up just in time as she was trying to climb up her shelf to get into more drawers that she could explore. This little girl, I tell you, she's quite the explorer! :) (Thank you DORA the EXPLORER!). As I awoke, she said "MOMMY!?! EAT?" which is her phrase for EVERY morning now. So I got dressed and as I was, "Papa-to-the-rescue!" came and grabbed Zoee and fed her! Thank you, Thank you! 

As I made my way downstairs, she was just finishing up some cereal and fruit, and ran around the house with her little jumping run, happy and fresh! Everyone wished me a happy birthday and hugged me, and just being with my family, made it special. In little moments, I stepped back from myself and just evaluated the gratitude that I have for my family, though we may not have a lot, we have each other, and love for each other. My family has given me the greatest gifts all year for my birthday, indeed taking my family, Havea, Zoee and I into their home, allowing us to stay there, and more so, just loving us, taking care of us, being mindful of us, caring for us, like any parent would do for their child. I'm just so grateful for their examples, for their love, and for them always being there and helping us. Truly the greatest gift to me has been being born into this wonderful family. 

I didn't have any other picture of all of us together, so this one will have to do for now

Later on, I was greeted by countless people, family and friends who wished me love and happy birthdays on Facebook and Text! I felt extremely special and didn't realize how many people really do care and like me! Honestly, I just have felt that a lot of things have changed in my life, and I know in some ways I have changed. I'm not as social, or vibrant and talkative as I used to be, and so I felt that a lot of my friendships with people have faded, but I was wrong, I was indeed overwhelmed with love from everyones comments and posts! Thank you! 

I was able to talk to a dear friend of mine since childhood! Meghan! We've been friends since the early, early 90s! and it was WONDERFUL chatting with her! She is like another sister to me! 

Me and Meghan!

After that I got ready and had a birthday lunch with my girls! My Mom, Whitney, Rachel, Felila and Zoee! My sister Rachel treated us all out to Spiritos! Now if you haven't been to Spiritos, you are MISSING OUT on the absolute BEST Italian food EVER! I'm telling you! OUT OF THIS WORLD! Super friendly environment, you feel like family, just all around pure awesomeness! :) 

After that much needed and wonderful meal, we headed back home to rest our tummies. I lounged and didn't do very much as I planned to, and honestly I don't know what I did after that, however before I knew it, Havea was on his way home. He came through the door and started to make his way to get ready as him and Zoee were taking me to dinner! We went to my favorite! PF CHANGS! I LOVE PF CHANGS, their dessert, not so great, but their food! I just LOVE IT! 

Zoee was being good, which has been rare, but she's getting better being out in public now! I mean she's just so darn smart and picks up things so fast, this time she's learned biting, which indeed was NOT from any of us here at home, and preschool has some new pointers for toddler life, and not to mention, she learned the whine cry, and......... the shouting NO! Oh my goodness! But thank goodness for daddy, cause he has her in control! He says something once, she'll maybe try it one more time, but after that it's behavior switch on! She listens to daddy! :)

Anyway, we get to our table and here is what we got! Bon Apetit! 


Zoee looking at her menu! She wanted the big one, cause she's a big girl! LOL

Mommy? Maybe this one??

Zoee ordering her meal in baby-talk! :) She wanted chicken with sweet and sour dipping sauce! 

She wanted to color! When she saw this, she immediately said "CAT" and "MEOW"

THE HOTTIE next to Me! I'm so lucky! 

Zoee's food! 

Hubby's Food! Sesame Chicken

My FAVORITE! Shrimp with HoneyDew Melon and Candied Walnuts in a beautiful soft cream coconut sauce! MMMM!!! I'm spoiled and I know it! :0)

After we dined and had a wonderful dinner! Hubby and Zoee treated me to my absolute favorite dessert! TGIFriday's Vanilla Bean, White Chocolate CheeseCake! 


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