Thursday, January 17, 2013


It was a good morning. Although going to bed late last night did not help my body feel fully rested, I was even more grateful that I woke up with a full functioning right leg. My lower back and right leg (as of now, used to be my left) has been bothering me the last 3 weeks, and with icing, hot tub relaxation, stretching, surprisingly, even some of those activities can be a little much sometimes.. Having a toddler is even more difficult because they are so active, and when mommy is not as active it's not as fun for them. Well I am just grateful that I could walk without a limp today was progress and something I was absolutely grateful for. Funny thing if its not one thing, it's another, so while now having a functioning leg, I am now struck with a slight fever/cold. But I'm not letting that fully stop me because just being able to walk right and more comfortably is allowing me to get done what I have been putting off for weeks. So I'm sweating it out, but definitely taking a nap break, not to worry.

In between laundry, folding clothes, organizing, putting things away, paying bills, preparing lunches, just the calmness I feel being at home today gives me comfort and gratitude for a beautiful day, and for beautiful blessings given to me throughout the day. I put on pandora a hymns of worship station and trying to teach Zoee some quiet time. It doesn't really work, but it helps mommy stay calm. :) lol! She's such a joy and a beautiful baby with such a beautiful spirit! I know that as a first time mother, a lot of things are different, new and hard to understand, but I'm grateful that Heavenly Father sent her to me, she teaches me so much everyday! Everyday is progress, sometimes we fall behind, but all in all to know that there's a tomorrow or even another minute to change what happened prior is huge! Being a mother helps me progress in humility, and knowing what my purpose is in this life.

I also have to express how grateful I am for my husband, for his constant progression and efforts in providing for our family. For loving us unconditionally. I could not have been more blessed with a better man! He is truly the man of my heart and makes me feel like a queen! I know that marriage is progression, and even though there are down times, I have realized that those experiences are given to help humble us to be more understanding of the other person, our husband or wife. So I am looking at my situation more and more, that if I'm frustrated, I may always or sometimes have a valid point for being frustrated, but it's more so because I needed to be humbled. I have learned that marriage is a progression of reaching and achieving goals, giving genuine support and love.

It's a great day! I can't wait to see my lover when he comes home!! :)

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