Friday, April 26, 2013


Right now, yes now, it is close to 4am and I am still not slightly a bit sleepy. My body signals that I am tired and feeling relaxed, yet my eyes are not heavy, nor am I nodding off. I could be really upset at this moment, but I'd rather take this opportunity to appreciate the silence, the sounds of night that I so often miss out on, due to me usually sleeping :)

1: Zoee has been sick the last couple of days, throwing up and all that not so pretty stuff; being up now and hearing just the sound of her breath, inhaling, exhaling, seeing her chest raise, her eyes squint as I shine a little light to see her face, is priceless. But more so, not hearing her cough, and seeing her rest peacefully gives me great satisfaction because that means she's getting better! Yay!

2: So obviously married people sleep together, right? Well of course! Laying here next to my hubby, hearing his breath, seeing him cuddle in a position comfortable, studying his features and watching his chest raise up and down in sync with his breath, is actually a beautiful sight ladies! You should try it - if you ever get insomnia.

As you can see my insomnia has given me some funny things to write about, so, with that said, this woman is going to try and get some sleep!!

Goodnight :) or I mean good morning! :)

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