Monday, December 31, 2012

Official Good Bye

It's amazing to see this year pass by so quickly, and even though thins were a blur, I'm in awe at the time spent and the memories made this year. This year for me has been a tremendous blessing in disguise. I have not had it easy and it's been a difficult one, but I wouldn't trade the reunion my family has had this last year, I wouldn't trade the fact that me quitting my job to spend more time with my daughter, I don't regret anything that had happened and have felt strengthened by my maker to accomplish things and to stand up for myself, my family and what I believe in. I have been richly blessed to have the people I do in my life at this very time. I'm amazed at how much I have grown, how things are constantly changing and the new directions life is headed. I am eternally grateful for my biggest supporter and the beat of my heart, my husband for his patience and genuine love for me.

This year has helped me to see just exactly what I need and even want to improve upon, and I pray that I will have the strength to achieve my goals in 2013 with full force and encouraged effort! I am just richly blessed and grateful! There are no more words to describe the awe and peace I feel at this very moment and I am overwhelmed with gratitude.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for easing me and being so good to me this year of 2012. May I use myself to serve you and to be an instrument in doing things that will help my fellow men and be more of a light than a sign. I am grateful beyond words.

Goodbye 2012, Welcome 2013! :)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Almost Over... Recap!

My goodness how time has flown! It's so interesting to see the days pass by so fast, when you've been waiting for these splendid holidays all year long. As I reflect on everything that has happened in the last year, I'm grateful to say that I am alive, well and blessed. It's truly a blessing to have a wonderful supportive husband and for having a healthy beautiful daughter. SO much will/is/has been happening, and I'm grateful for the footsteps of progression we are taking as a family.

Havea is working full time on Camp Pendleton, and will be thinking about starting school in the Summer Semester, not only will be thinking about school, Zoee and Mommy are registered for a Mommy and Me Pre-school class that will take place in a couple of weeks. I'm really excited about this, especially for Zoee because I know that as active as she is, the interaction she will receive being around more kids, having a fun set playtime each week will help her, especially with the energy level she possesses; it's truly crazy! She is a little active firecracker, and I just can't believe that she is ONE! Although you'll never know that because she keeps telling you she's TWO! Silly girl! :0) This year will also be a big step, as I will be going back to school and have been accepted into BYU-I Pathway Program. Working on finishing my Bachelors Degree and I'm excited to finally be completing that. I know it will be a great year, this coming 2013, and just as great as this last year 2012 was. We have so much to be thankful for.

January 2012: Zoee 5 months

Jane turned 24 and Havea, Jane and little Zoee moved in with Papa and Grandma and have been loving  spending the time. Zoee has truly developed such a close relationship and has truly loved being around her Aunties, Uncles, Grandpa Rowe and Papa and Grandma Kanahele. She loves every minute of it!

February 2012: Zoee 6 months

Whitney turned 22 and returned to our family, and it has been a great year having her reunited with us. I have truly missed her, and missed having her as my full-time sister, and feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to reconnect with her. She moved back in with our family and Zoee has created such a special and strong bond with her, as have I. I'm grateful for my sister and for all that she does to help me out with Zoee, I have been blessed to see her progress, and have her a part of my life. Although the years were long being apart, having her back home this last year has almost seemed like the time spent away from each other never happened, and that's how I know SISTERS will ALWAYS BE SISTERS!

March 2012: Zoee 7 months

Papa had a birthday shout hooray! Celebrated dad's 49th birthday! WOW! Getting excited because our family plans to go to Hawaii in 2013 for Dad's 50th and the PCC 50th Anniversary! Havea and I found out that we were pregnant with our 2nd baby this month and were excited as we were about 5 weeks along. Zoee alsot started pulling herself up and walking along the furniture, well more like skipping and running along the furniture. At the end of this month she started WALKING!!!

April 2012: Zoee 8 months

Easter! Easter was a blessed year, it was beautiful to know that we had our Zoee to spend this beautiful holiday with us. It was also a 1 year mark since Havea received his Patriarchal Blessing and we were able to spend time with one of our favorite families, the Amicks! :) We also had found out that our baby #2 was going to be going back to Heavenly Father, as He needed our baby's spirit something more. We were really sad, and some days, I'm still sad about the fact, however, Heavenly Father has a better plan. This really couldn't have happened at a more perfect time, being that we have the celebration of Easter, the atonement and the resurrection as reminders this month. We were able to meet with our cousins Felila and Albert and enjoy a date night spent going to the temple. We enjoyed our time and feeling peace.

May 2012: Zoee 9 months

Havea turned 24! He's only a couple of months behind me, but we enjoyed his birthday doing what he loves, eating and watching movies! :0) So we were grateful for a wonderful date night, Zoee and I treated him to dinner and then mommy was able to steal him the next night for a more intimate occasion :0) Thank you DatingDivas, I used some of your tips and was able to get my husband on board with your ideas. Earlier this month, Zoee was able to meet for the first time her Grandpa Tu'ulau. He flew in from Texas for a short visit, but we were able to meet up with him for a short time and he was able to meet his first grandchild.

June 2012: Zoee 10 months

Joseph turned 21! Yes, the big 2-1! He is now technically and ALL legal! It was a great start of Summer. We also started the Catamaran Summer Luau performances and were excited to see all that came through.

July 2012: Zoee 11 months

Havea and I celebrated our 2nd year wedding anniversary our 1 year temple sealing anniversary and went to Sea World! We were excited to have some time and just be fun, our age, and goofy! We had a blast walking around watching the shows, however we MISSED OUR ZOEE! Everything reminded us of her and us talking about what kind of reactions she would probably make had she been there with us, although it was a fun filled day and nice night, we were grateful for the time together. Rachel, was home from Hawaii, and we were able to spend her 20th birthday and have fun with her! Towards the end of this month, Zoee was also able to meet her Nana and Grandpa Wallis, along with her Uncle Michael, Havea's mother, step-father and brother.

August 2012:

Zoee turned ONE! We were able to have a beautiful little first party that we held at Hidden Canyon Park and had mexican food with a Dora the Explorer Theme! All her Aunties, Whitney and Rachel and Uncles Joseph, Keenan and Bruce along with Papa and Grandma Kanahele, threw her the most fantastic party ever! She was so lucky and had so much fun, her absolute favorite part was just dancing to the music. She also shares an August birthday with her Uncle Bruce! Uncle Bruce got all the left-overs but we still needed to make him feel special for his 15th Birthday!

September 2012:

The Catamaran Season came to an end, and we were privileged to see our Aunty Gwen be married! We were so happy and excited for her and though she had waited so very long, everything was beautiful, and we were overjoyed in her happiness. Also sad note, Rachel left us again to return to Hawai'i for another semester at BYU-Hawaii. We were so sad to see her leave, but we knew that she would hopefully be back for Christmas. Mom celebrated her birthday and we tried to make it special for her. She always works so hard, and is such a great person, and she deserves the world and more! I love you mom!

October 2012:

Grandpa Rowe celebrated his 90th Birthday! We are so grateful to have him with us and so grateful that he truly is still kicking. Zoee enjoys time with Grandpa and showing him all the things she brings him as well as points to. She talks to him, laughs with him, and sits on his knee, and I know he enjoys her company. This month was also the start of the remodel in our home. It was started to get cold, but we were indeed grateful to have been starting the renovation so that the house would be more livable, it hadn't been changed in over 50+ years.

November 2012:

We still had renovations going on, so our Thanksgiving was sadly spent in the cold on the driveway, but, we were kept warm by the love and joy we had to share it with. It was a beautiful time to spend with family.

December 2012:

Keenan turned 17! Wow he's growing fast! and we were/are moving back in slowly from the renovation. Things are almost about there, but we are happy to finally be eating inside :0) That's the plus side! Christmas was beautiful, simple, and great. We were able to spend it with our stomachs full, fed, and our hearts over joyed and happy to know that we had each other. Zoee was given many beautiful things and I was happy that she had so much fun opening her presents. I'm not going to lie that I truly felt like someone was missing, and that I knew was our second baby who was taken so soon, but I'm grateful for eternal families, I'm grateful for the atonement, and I'm grateful for my Savior.

As you can see, if you've read, this year has been a year of plenty! We have been so blessed, and so well taken care of, that there are simply no great words to describe the gratitude I feel. I have some new year resolutions on how to improve myself, my spirituality and hopefully, I will be able to do things better and right this next year.

Thank you Heavenly Father for blessing me, my family and us with a wonderful year! May we make you more proud in the next!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Ending 2012

My Family!

This last weekend, I was so grateful to my sister Whitney for being able to take our Family Pictures. She really got some good shots, and unfortunately, because of my "beautiful" love weight, I didn't think I looked good in ANY of them. But the fact that my Husband and Daughter do, it's my fault I ruined the pictures. Anyway, that WILL change! 2013 Will be my transformation! Anyhow, enough about that, These are some of the cutest pictures and wanted to share on this blog and with family! :) 

Our Little Zoee! Getting Dressed for her Photo Shoot! 

Trying to get Zoee to smile. She was being stubborn!

Zoee admiring her SHOES! Not dress, SHOES! She LOVES SHOES!!!!

Zoee giving her Daddy Kisses! Daddy-Daughter Moment!

Mommy and Zoee! She was loving the funny faces her Aunt Whitney was making. 

Family Pic! 

Another one!


Tickled Zoee enough to make her laugh hysterically!

Her Tongue! She is always doing that!

Mommy Daughter Moment! 

Some of these will be on our Christmas Card, so I'm excited! :) 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone, Lots of Love and Hugs from our family to yours! 

The Saafi Family 2012! 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Playing Hookie!

Well for the 1st day of October, our daddy played Hookie! While celebrating his first day of getting vacation by using a vacation day :) so exciting! So we started off with an awesome breakfast at our favorite place.. LONGBOARDERS! And then went for a nice walk on the Oceanside Pier! It was Zoee and Haveas first time being on the pier and I have to say it was a success.. We will go again :) Zoee enjoyed seeing the pelicans, the ocean and feeling the breeze and warm sun :) she gave me the cutest expressions today and here are some pics from our fantabulous day! Today I learned that it is simply ok to take each moment for what it is and despite the commotion, hectic lives we live, there is always time for family :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Today, I had an epiphany. Rather a realiziation of what I need to do, how I need to approach things, and moving on. For years, I have always beaten myself up over my past and things that I have done. I have always felt myself unworthy of ANYTHING good, and ANYTHING precious, special, lovely, even spiritual. Although I have had many opportunities to repent, each time I have/do, I have always been stuck on that one thing, "Forgiveness" and moreso in myself. I continue to let my past haunt me, my insecurities become fed, when I choose to NOT forgive myself.

A good friend of mine and co-worker, enlightened me on this beautiful thing, she is not a member of the church and yet, she is also Christian. She told me that even though we've made mistakes, God has forgiven us, and if we continue to let something that he has already forgiven haunt us, then what good was it to have repented? She told me, to keep on asking God for forgiveness, is not having faith in Him that he has.

To me although her statement can be taken in SOOO many ways, I sincerely took this as yes. We repent daily and ask God for the things that we have done wrong to be forgiven, yet why do we do things that would keep us to ask for forgiveness. Maybe I'm not saying this entirely right, however, I felt today that my Heavenly Father, has shown me SOOOOO many countless and numerous ways in which he has forgiven me. Those things, just to name a few:

1. I have an amazing relationship with my family
2. I have a Wonderful, God fearing, Hard-Working, Loving Husband, who adores me.
3. I have a Beautiful, Healthy little baby girl, who brings joy and reminds me of His love each and every day
4. I have air to breathe
5. A place to lay my head and live
6. LIFE itself.

My Heavenly Father has done everything to show His love for me, and yet I keep dwelling on what I have done wrong, instead of continuing to make His name proud and do something right, and all the time.

I feel moreso, that forgiveness in myself is starting to settle and my heart of stone is beginning to melt. I am excited and blessed beyond words for the beauty in all of God's creations, in turn exemplify's TRUE, PURE, ETERNAL LOVE.

I am indeed grateful!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I've Learned..

I have learned that crying can be quite theraputic, that using a toothbrush for an eyebrow brush can by amusing to some, and if not that a great idea. I have learned that my fiesty-ness is increasing by the minute, and that my love for my daughter by the moment. I have learned the true importance of relationships and have seen the very best by my husband through his patience and long-suffering of me, and I have finally learned and realized after hearing it a million times, I AM A CHILD OF GOD.

The things we learn everyday, continue to grow within us as we experience situations and apply what was good or bad to the situation. Our reaction and or response to the things that we go through is what shapes our character and ourselves.

Monday, April 16, 2012

STRIVE to THRIVE! This post is introducing you to the neatest thing invented since Electricity and Running Water. The perfectly perfect solution to preserving great, delicious food and have it last for 25+ years. THRIVE products by Shelf Reliance have so many good products, from everyday baking items, to IceCream Sanwich Bars, and they are all FREEZE DRIED, leaving 95% of nutritionl value of all these products within the food that you are eating. Say goodbye to fast food snacks and start feeling good about waht you feed your family, what you put in your body, and stop being a Sad Mommy, and be a HAPPY MOMMY! I can honestly say that it is so good that even my LOVING and AMAZING Husband, LOVES IT! and he is the king of Hardee's, Taco Bell, Etc. You can have Meats (Chunks of delicious Beef, Chicken, Etc.) last on your shelf for 25 years! The FD Fuji Apples are to die for, and they even have, yes I'm saying it, MACAROON MIX!!!! Am I sparking some interests? if you are interested for more information regarding how you can partake of these WONDERFUL products, please contact me :)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Time :)

Easter is TOMORROW! I can't believe how much time has passed, and how much has happened. Tomorrow will mark the day, but not the date, if that makes sense, of my Hubby Havea receiving his patriarchal blessing from Patriarch Johnson. How special it is to receive our Patriarchal Blessings from worthy men so in-tune with the spirit of our Father in Heaven. I can't even begin to imagine how great that must feel. I had the honor being there when my husband received his blessing for the first time, and was privileged to share with him the beautiful things that were said during his blessing. I am so grateful for the gospel, and I am very grateful for the blessings in which we receive daily. 

Today is the last day that Zo-zo will be 7 months. She is truly growing sooo fast, and I can't even begin to say how much more smarter and how much more beautiful she becomes. I am excited to dress her up and to see her around her little cousins for the first time (Thompsons, Holdcrafts and Morenos) and see all the kids as they eat, play, hunt for eggs, etc. It truly will be such a sight and so fun to see her react.

I truly can't hold back the feelings and express that this last year, marking the date of Easter, has helped me reflect on the beauties of the atonement, and the love my Savior has for me. I am so grateful for the chance to change, and the reminder we have that change is needed and is possible :) 

Life is truly teaching me the greatest lessons any woman could experience. I just feel so blessed and so privileged to be learning them at this time.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Beautiful Spirits...

with baby #2 :)

Honestly, it almost feels like it was just yesterday that I gave birth to Zoee (our eldest daughter) and held her in my arms. So small and so beautiful she was, and how much more beautiful she is now and becoming :)

Zoee on the day she was born, monday, August 8, 2011

Zoee, 7 months, March 31, 2011

I can't beleive how fast time is going and just how fast my litle baby girl is actually becoming a LITTLE GIRL. Zoee has brought so much love and joy to our lives, and we're so grateful that she is the first child and that she is the very one who will be the example for her younger siblings.

After having Zoee, and now being pregnant again with our second baby, I have realized just how much Heavnely Father loves me, and just how aware He is of the things that we need in our lives. I cannot even count on a million hands how much love Zoee brings to Havea and I. We are sooooooo blessed and privilidged to be responsible for such a beautiful spirit.

With the adventure of being pregnant again this time around, I have definitely seen things different and opposite from my pregnancy with Zoee. It's funny to say, but I have a feeling this baby may be a boy. I may be wrong, I may be right, but whomever the Lord feels He would like to come down at the time, with open arms Havea and I will be grateful and soooo excited :)

Starting a family is a lot of work, and I know the load will continue to get bigger, but I am so grateful for the gospel and for the guidelines it gives us to rear our children in a way that is pleasing to our Father in Heaven, and the guidelines that will not only help them but help me as a mother. I see me bring pregnant again is a whole new experience a whole new adventure, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be a mother again.

I love my family so very much and pray that I will be the mother I know Heavenly Father knows I can be, and the mother I want to be to my children.

So grateful for this opportunity to have more learning and growing experiences :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Don't Judge Me.......

The word's of President Uchtdorf's message left a great impact on my heart as he explained the message of a bumper sticker that read:

"Don't judge me...
...because I sin differently than you"

I couldn't help but remember these words for they engraved themselves on my heart that I could not believe that the answer to many prayers were apparent within these words.

For many years, I have struggled with so many people, and have struggled because I let the things they say, the things they do, GET to me. I have in desperate times, often cried and asked the Lord, "why me?" or simply "why them?" I am somewhat uncomfortable admitting my weaknesses, but I feel that only admitting them will help me overcome them. I have been jealous, mean, rude, a smart-allec, unkind, judgmental, wanting pity, selfish, and negative. Having these things in my life and realizing that I have had these feelings or have done these actions made me think, "can having these things in my life make me happy?" the answer is simply "NO"

President Uchtdorf mentioned other things as well and said "if we have any of these feelings or participate in any of these things..." he urged us to


To stop these things from letting them get the best of us, the best of our kindness, the best of our good judgment, the best of what we know we can be, and the best of who we KNOW we are. We are children of our Heavenly Father who indeed has a mission and a will for us, to accomplish His work and be partakers of the blessings that come from choosing the right. A Father in Heaven who cares, knows and loves us deeply and hurts when we hurt, and comforts when we need comfort. In order to feel of His comfort and peace, I have had to let Heavenly Father help me get over the things I have been feelings and recognize the real reason for my anger and realize the anger was simply being hurt. I hope and pray with all of my heart that I will be a strong example of forgiveness to my children and generations to come that they may know that the Lord can heal, can strengthen and make new any person willing to subject to the will of the Lord. 

I am grateful for this conference and for the beautiful words in which I have heard to help me make anew the things that I need to, to have a better understanding of the Lord's will for me, and to go forth and live up to the values that I have been taught and given. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I know that I have probably posted about this subject before, however I feel so strongly to write about it again. I have been blessed with such wonderful sisters. I have two blood sisters, Whitney and Rachel and so many adoptive sisters, (too many to name). Call me selfish, but I have always, always wanted a best friend, someome to talk to when times were tough, someone to listen to when their lives were hard. Someone to comfort me. For the most part, I never realized that my Sisters have always been there.

Last night, my Sister Whitney and I were out and about getting items to make for dinner. Even though for the last four year we have not been close, we have not shared experiences, she KNOWS me better than ANYONE, because she's my sister.

"Sisters are a gift to the heart
a friend to the spirit
a golden thread to the meaning of life"
Isadora James

My sister was talking about some things that have/or are currently going on in her life, and I couldn't help but think of my past and how back then her situation now was/is so similar to mine back then. I couldn't help myself to forget or even put behind me what has happened, however the feelings of hurt, relation or anger started to stir in me, and she pointed out to me that I was not happy. Being hard to admitt, she was very right. She pointed out that I was not allotted the healing time I needed to get over the things that I had done, but rather made beautiful and great choices in my life that would bring anyone happiness, however because I had not healed from previous experiences I didn't even know how to fully enjoy the beautiful and good choices I have made thus far because I am so broken from my past. After a good talk with my husband and expressing to him my feelings, I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and he reminded me of the love he has for me and for our future and family. He is truly the best man and the only man I have ever truly loved and will love for the rest of my life and all eternity. He is the first good choice that I have ever made in my life, and how grateful I am to have him.

I can't tell you that by the simple things she had said, with not even having a moment like this in the last four years, she hit the spot on my feelings dead-on with every single thing she said. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father loved/loves me enough to send a woman like her into my life, to be there for me, to remind me, to mourn with me, to listen, to converse, to nurture, I am just so grrateful for her and for the love that she showed me last night. I am so grateful for her and to have her back home, reunited with our famliy and more herself again.

I thank my Heavenly Father for my sister, and for her reminding me of the good things that I have done, and tells me to forget the bad things. Even though I am older, her words of wisdom brought the most comfort to me than I have felt for a long time.

I love my sisters...

Rachel, Whitney and Me

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Valentines Day!

I couldn't believe how many posts on Facebook I saw that had most of all of my friends with bitter thoughts about Valentines Day. Needless to say, I took a step back and really, really humbled myself, because a single person I was, not so long ago, and the feelings of this holiday made me very, very jealous. I have realized and later leanred that Valentines Day is not only about lovers and mates, it is so much more, it's the day we celebrate LOVE.

Do you remember running down to Target or the grocery store right near the end of January beginning February and asking your mom or dad if you could by the card set of 30 with some lolipops to give to friends and famliy for Valentines Day? Remember these?

Well, I do, and did! I was so excited to stick the lolipops through the cards and hand them to friends around the neighborhood, or my cousins, and so forth. They were just so much fun! and the looks on everyone's faces, made me feel so loved just to see that they appreciated their card and candy :) Getting them back was even more fun too.

Havea and I celebrated our Valentines Day that Saturday. We went to one our most favorite and very affordable Mexican Restaurants and followed by a movie. It was a yes, oh-so-typical date, but it was nice to have time together and reconnect with a lot of things. Sometimes just those few hours can make all the difference for you and your spouse, or even a loved one or friend. Just spending time and being reminded that you can celebrate the people you have in your life and love, is something that I treasure and LOVE about Valentines Day. It's the day to remember to Love, sad we need such a day to remember, when we should be showing extra special love, EVERYDAY of the year. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Sad, the month of LOVE is almost over, that doesn't mean I can't pretend that next month shouldn't be full of LOVE, right? Well, sorry, it's better late than never, I've been so occupied with a lot of things lately. Anyhow, I'm excited to say that I feel that I have overcome an obstacle to help me be more clear about my life and future. It's the pivotal moment that helps you understand that the small things that you do to make things just that much more perfect, sometimes do and don't matter, I've learned that I've had to pick the "right" small things. I've realized more and more each day how much my daughter brings me joy. How much my husband loves me, and how much more I need to take the special moments to reciprocate that love to them.

I am so into this new book, well, it's not quite new to most of ALL the world, but it's new to me. About a couple years ago, my good friend was taking a class in college learning about the behaviors of men and women, and in her class, this book was recommended and she told me about it. It has always been in the back of my mind, but was brought more to my attention recently. The book is entitled, "The 5 Love Languages"  by Gary Chapman. As I read this book, I feel more and more why some of the things that I do, showing my love are not in turn taken as a token of my love for those whom I show love to... but I've noticed that my husband and daughter are so patient with me and let me show them love in the way I show/receive love. More so, I know that if I learn how they indeed receive love, our relationships will be that much stronger. I'm so excited to get into this book more and more and look forward to the things that I will find. This book and has got my prescription on a wonderful marriage, a wonderful loving relationship with my husband, children and those all around me.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


I absolutely love my little girl, and how grateful and blessed I am to have a little lady that brings me so much joy, so much comfort and is the constant reminder of Heavenly Father's love for me. I'm so grateful for a healthy baby girl and for her spirit that not only touches my heart, but the hearts of all those who come in contact with her! She is my pride, my light, my joy and love! :) 

Always Smiling :)

Being SHY

Hands in the mouth... always

Pulling on her bow

Not Giving Up.......

This year has brought many things, one of which is, a very humbling experience. The saying goes true: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you' [accepting that they may not always do unto you what you would want them to do]" I really hope that made sense, the last part of that [quote] was my own, but I have and am continuing to be humbled as to why people are the way they are and accepting that I cannot change the people around me, I can only change myself.

I know that I am not the only one going through obstacles, who has problems, who is going through a little more over their head, however, I at this very moment, why do I feel so alone? My wonderful counselor and the one and only other person I trust (besides my Hubby) is my Mother. She is been the only one who has helped me to see the end of the race, to see the beginning of the journey and to help me through the obstacles as they come. Venting and talking with her has helped me not only get a lot of things on my mind out, however helped me realize that my biggest problem is being impatient. So, coming to that realization, I have told myself that I am NOT GIVING UP!

I will report more as time passes, but this is just a blah day in which I needed to get my thoughts and feelings out.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Back To Work...

Here it is, Thursday, and I'm back to work, yes back to work. I saved 2 weeks of maternity leave to take at the beginning of January, and now today is my first day back. I was welcomed by three sweet co-workers who remembered my birthday and had my favorite, an apple pie ready and waiting! :) It was so sweet, thank you Renee, Cruz and Alicia. It was a nice day to come back to work, moreso because it is a Thursday, and tomorrow is FRIDAY! YAY!! :)

It was hard to leave Zoee this morning because I have been with her non-stop these last two weeks and have watched her develop so much during this time. She has gotten on all fours, she's scooting backwards, and she's rolling around from tummy-to-back and vise versa everywhere. I know that she will be crawling within the next month or so, and there's a big chance I may miss seeing her take her first crawl and even step for the first time, but I am so grateful that she is in good hands with my mother and I know that she is getting all the care and love she needs and more. How grateful I am to have my mother and how reassuring it is to be here at work and know that I do not have to worry or do not have to think of my daughter being harmed in any way, is truly a blessing.

I am grateful to have a job during these tough times in our economy and help contribute to providing for our famliy, I hope to soon save enough so that I may not have to work, and consider other optoins that will allow me to stay home with my baby. So I'm considering taking some classes to get credentials and licensed in Realesate. I would like to be an apraiser and freelance within the Realestate Industry. I am also taking a serious interest and am both feet in to building my career with THRIVE by Shelf Reliance. I hope that this new year will help bring the positives and less of the negatives on what I try to actively do to help contribute in providing for my famliy and our future. I'm grateful for a hardworking husband who works fulltime and will be attending school this Spring. I know that it will all pay off in the longrun, how grateful for that latter-day when I will reap the blessings of the sacrifices and changes that we are making to achieve success and be better.

I love my life, and I'm grateful for the many things that first day of being back at work has helped me contemplate. Until next time.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Husbands love your Wives... and Wives, Love your Husbands...

Like any newly wed or even married couple, adjusting is the biggest thing. I know that I talk about "adjusting" a lot, but it's because I am still adjusting, but every day, each day get's better and better. I am writing this post in honor of my husband, Havea because he such a wonderful, good and loving man, and I'm so grateful to be his wife.

For my 24th birthday, he thought of the many things that would make me happy. He surprised me with breakfast at Broken Yolk Cafe and then a drive down to San Diego and a walk-around though a Museum, and just the scenery of Balboa Park in San Diego. To be completely honest, I wanted to cry. He had a dozen red roses, and a beautiful card explaining how much he loves me. I don't know how I became so lucky of someone so genuine and giving, but I am truly grateful for his love, for his thoughts, for his compassion, for his understanding, and most especially for his patience.

My husband has become and is MY BEST FRIEND! We are inseparable and I never want to be apart form him. He is the light of my life and the compass that leads me to being the best that I can be. I am grateful for his consistency in always doing the right thing, and knowing that though times may be hard, or anything in general may be hard, doing the right thing, at the right time out-laws anything and everything.

I love my husband for the man he is, and I have learned more and more the man I fell in love with almost 2 years ago, is the same man that stands beside me today. I am so grateful for him, and I just felt that this post should be dedicated to him.

I love you baby!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012! Bitter-Sweets...

Oh my goodness, not even on the first day of this splendid year, was I able to post! Time seems to be slipping away, faster and faster. Oh Well! :) Let's start the year with my bitter-sweet moments... I know right? 

Let's see, already so many things have happened, my sister and parents left for the beautiful island of O'ahu, Hawaii today. My sister will be attending BYU-Hawaii studying Computer Graphics Design. I'm so proud of her and wish her well in all that she does. I will miss her terribly! I will miss the very person who was my mediator with every thing. Ok, my husband is my best friend, but my SISTER, well a sister is already a BEST FRIEND without being called a BEST FRIEND, if you know what I mean. I will miss every thing her and I would do, Zoee will miss her aunty very much, and I will miss having the only other girl support to help me get through things, I may sound selfish, but I'm selfish in a good way. I love my Sister so much and am happy for her starting and progressing throughout her life and I'm excited to see the adventures she will have when attending school.  Although this is a bitter-sweet moment, I'm grateful for the experiences she will have being there and learning/studying what she is so passionate about. You will always be in my heart, on my mind, and in prayers sis! Thank goodness for blogging and Facebook, and of course !chat and phones are and will we better communicate EVERY DAY!!! :) 

On another side note, my daughter, our beautiful princess Zoee, has decided that although she's at the tip-end of her 4 month mark and will be 5 months in 4 more days, she has decided that her size will continue to flourish by not fitting in 6-9 month clothes, but will fit in 9-12 month clothes. My princess, she is truly growing and slowly but surely will soon be crawling. How excited and yet not, (bitter-sweet moment) I am for her to start crawling because it will mean that she is starting yet a progression in her development and that's exciting, I'm not however excited for me chasing her everywhere because she has crawled and gotten into something, soooooo... I guess it's safe to say that we will start 'baby-proofing' now. She is getting more confident with her smiles, her personality, and just her all around goodness that she gives each day. Her first word is "dada" and how proud my husband is to know that she (Zoee) is indeed a 
"Daddy's Girl"

I believe that this year will be a great year! I'm truly excited for 2012 and I'm excited for the experiences ahead, for the things that will shape me to be a better person, wife, mother and daughter of God. I feel so blessed to have the gospel in my life and to yet start another year new. I know that the bitter-sweet moments of life are lessons learned and to be learned. I would rather have everything bitter-sweet, so that I would know, with everything in life that somewhat bitters us about situations there is always something sweet from it too. How grateful I am to know that life is all about bitter-sweet moments, but they become sweeter as we look to our Heavenly Father and find the gift that is hidden in both parts. 
2012! This is yet another year, another year of growth, learning and excitement! 
Here we come!